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1:17 pm

     The sound of a car door closing catches my attention. Brooke? I stand up, leaving my bag by the chair. The girls paid no attention, continuing to chatter, Emma going to the door like she did with me. I saw Brooke with her bag, walking inside and hugging Emma.
     "Audrey!" She exclaimed, hugging me and then pulling the both of us in for a group hug. I laughed and smiled,
     "You look nice." I say, noticing she had new glasses that were black and pretty big, almost covering her eyebrows.
     "Now we can finally start this party." Emma says, squeezing the two of us on the couch since her mother had already left and probably gone upstairs.
     "I don't care if you guys don't like this, I do it every year and I'm keeping the tradition." Emma spoke and chuckled, handing everyone a colored balloon with a small piece of paper inside.
     "It's pretty simple. You pop the balloon and look at the paper inside. There's either a truth or a dare and you have to do it. This always starts the party." Emma said and nodded her head to Brooke.
     "You can start, Brookie... Oh! And everyone, this is Brooke and Brooke, this is Zoe, Piper, Riley, Nina, and Kristen." Emma said with a smile, sitting down on the floor in front of the couch that everyone was sitting on. She pointed to everyone she named so Brooke could see and Brooke being her outgoing, loud self, she smiles and waves with a loud, "Hello!"
     Brooke pops her balloon, grabbing and unrolling the paper. She read the dare out loud, "Chug a spoon of mustard." Brooke spoke hesitantly, scrunching up her face.
     "I fuckin hate mustard." she said and huffed, all of the girls laughing and focusing their attention in her.
     "I remember that one, I had to do it last year." Piper spoke with a chuckle. I was surprised she spoke out like that to be completely honest.
    "You gotta do it, Brooke." Emma laughed, looking up at her from the ground before standing up and going into the kitchen and getting the mustard. It was a strange brand bottle that I had never heard of. She also got a spoon, a pretty small plastic one so it was realistic for her to chug it. She came back with the mustard balled up on the spoon for Brooke. She handed the spoon to Brooke and giggled.
     "You can get a drink right after, but please don't throw up." She laughed, Brooke rolling her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile. She tipped her head back and held her nose. I watched the mustard go off of the spoon and onto her tongue. Brooke cringed, but closed her eyes and managed for it to go down. She quickly stood up and ran to the sink, drinking straight from the Spicket. All of the girls finished laughing, not bothering to wait for Brooke.
     "Your turn, Audrey." I shake my head and laugh, not prepared for whatever was going to be on that piece of paper. I pop the balloon with my feet and find the paper, unrolling it with my heart literally beating from nervousness. I didn't want to embarrass myself or worse. I look at the paper and nibble on my bottom lip. It said,

"Dare: Let someone else in this room that you don't know do your make-up."

     I read it aloud and didn't really show how I felt about it. I'm not exactly thrilled, but maybe this would be fun. It's just like those slumber parties in the movies with pillow fights and makeovers. Emma claps and smiles,
     "I'm glad you got this one. I'll choose for you, yeah?" She spoke, probably hinting that she is eager to see me without a lot of make up. I go a little overboard with makeup, but it looks nice and that's another reason why I get asked for my ID at airports when I'm not even a teenager yet.
     "Zoe! Go upstairs in the bathroom with Audrey and do her makeup. We'll finish the game down here. Don't take too long. My makeup is in the bathroom cabinet." Emma said, smiling and continuing on to Kristen. I nod and stand up, looking over at Zoe. She was gorgeous and I really hoped she would give me wings like hers. I was never good at winged eyeliner. I walked up the stairs behind her, hearing the sound of balloons popping the whole way up the spiraled staircase.
     Once you got up the stairs, to your left was her younger sisters room. The door was closed, but it was always messy inside with dolls and clothes all over the place. She was a bit obsessed with me, but I like kids. She probably stayed at a friends house or something tonight. She tries to hang over Brooke, but Brooke is the kind of person who honestly just shoved her away. I'm too nice to do that even if I wanted to. The next room was her parents' room, it was basically just a huge king sized bed and television. Very neat. The next room was Emma's. It had lots of pictures on the walls, some even of her, Brooke, and me. It also had a door which lead to a deck that we couldn't go on since the wood wasn't safe anymore, but it was almost right above the swimming pool. The room on the right was her younger brothers room in which I have never been inside or seen. I can't help but wonder though. The last door was the only bathroom, being very small.
     Zoe was very tall, taller than me and I was already standing at 5'4". We both decided that I should sit on the sink for her to do it. She rummaged through the makeup drawers before handing me a washcloth.
     "Wash your face and while you do that, tell me about yourself." She said with a smile, having really plump and pink lips. I smile back and nod, wetting the washcloth and putting soap on it. I start with my eyes since it would be the hardest to get off.
     "Well, I don't know what you want to know, but my name is Audrey. I'm twelve, turning thirteen in a couple days, I like striped shirts, I like every genre of music basically except country, I live an hour from here, and I just got out of my emo phase." I say and laugh at the last part, continuing to wash off all of the makeup and looking at myself in the mirror in front of me.
     "You're very intriguing. Almost sound like me except I'm sixteen and I'm still in my emo phase." She said and we both laughed. I soon finished, putting the washcloth down and facing her with a chuckle.
     "I look like a fucking egg." I spoke which caused her to laugh and shake her head.
     "You look cute." She said, smiling down at me. I actually blushed from that compliment which was very strange of me to do. Why did I blush? Was it noticeable? Am I giving her the wrong idea?
     "Thanks, you're really um, pretty. And I really like your hair and your nose ring." I say nervously. I had to say something back after that comment. Did that come out weird? Agh, fuck, she probably thinks I'm a lesbian or something now. Well shit, way to make it awkward.
     The older female smiles and let's out a small laugh, "Thank you, Angel. Now, let's start with some foundation."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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