Jekyll or Hyde

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"Ever wanted to try your hand in politics?"

I hopped onto a stool in front of Ian, who was behind the counter, counting the coins in the register. He didn't look at me, only scrunched up his face and held up a finger, trying not to lose count. When he finally dropped the last coins into the drawer, shoved it shut and looked up at me, I gave him a coy smile.

"Can't say I have." He eyed me warily, but went to pour me a cup of coffee.

"Still think you should try your hand at modeling," Bennie mumbled from beside me. We both ignored her.

"Well, today's the day." I leaned forward onto the counter.

Ian looked to Bennie. "What's she talking about?"

Bennie grinned a little. "It's a good gig, you won't want to pass this one up."

Ian looked back to me, eyes narrowed. "Care to explain?"

My turn to hold up a finger. "First you give me coffee, then I give you the master plan."

His eyebrow arched, but he slid the coffee to me without a word. I took a long drink, enjoying the look on Ian's face too much to set it back down even when it burnt my tongue.

Finally I set the cup down and leaned in. "I talked to Jonas Williamson."

Ian's eyebrows shot up. "I've heard he's not an easy man to make an appointment with."

I smirked. "I'm resourceful."

Bennie sniggered, reaching for her tea as Ian set it in front of her. She'd heard the story already.

"He's playing coy. He wants to see a proposal before agreeing, but he's intrigued. I've got him hooked."

"A proposal of what?"

I grinned at him. "Cas's design, which you, our resident graphic-designer, can make into Williamson's campaign poster."

Ian blinked at me. "Doesn't he already have a poster this far into the campaign?" He looked at Bennie. "Surely he already has a poster."

"Of course he already has one." Bennie sipped at her tea. "That's not the point."

I propped up on my elbows. "Williamson can't deny that his poll numbers spiked significantly after Cas's last piece. People listen to Casanova, and Williamson needs more voters if he's going to beat Platt. But he needs more than just an endorsement. If he can show a united front..."

I could see the understanding in Ian's eyes. "It would undermine Platt's entire campaign."

"Exactly." I finished off my coffee. "As well as increase his voters and give Casanova equal endorsement." I shrugged. "And, as a plus, it's entirely legal. So. You in?"

Ian was smiling now. "You kidding? Of course I'm in."

"I thought you'd say that." I stood. "I'll keep you updated, and get you the design when Cas is finished." Bennie trailed after me as I turned for the stairs. She had a day off from nannying, and was hanging out while we practiced, then would spend the night at my place.

"Don't get arrogant from all the publicity you'll get and forget all about us, y'hear?" Bennie winked at Ian.

He smirked back, handing me another coffee to go. "Wouldn't dream of forgetting all the little people who helped carry me to fame and glory."


Ian watched the girls go, laughing and chattering up the stairs. When they disappeared, he whipped out his phone and typed a message.

I hear we've got a lot more work to do.

Mark's response came immediately. Well, you know we've been so bored.

Ian smirked. Put everyone on those sculptures for now, I'll take on the new project.

Want any help?

No. I'll use Ian's resources this time. Ian chuckled under his breath. He sounded like a madman, talking in third person, but Mark would understand what he meant. Ian wasn't a madman. He just lived a double life. Jekyll and Hyde. Which one is which? He wondered. It didn't matter. First Jekyll, then Hyde, first Ian Reynolds, then Casanova. Both were, in reality, the same. Not two sides of the same coin-- they were two halves of a beating heart. Cut it in half, it stops beating. Rip two lungs apart, they stop breathing. Cas and Ian, one and the same. Or maybe he had two hearts beating in his chest. It had taken him too long to realize it, too long to stop hating the "real" half before he figured out that both halves were just as real.

He turned back to the V-Bar-- his reality. But he had two realities. Tonight, he'd try something he hadn't tried before. He'd be Ian and Cas. It was about time for the two to work together.


NOW YOU KNOW. And you've GOT to tell me your reactions in the comments. Did you catch on? Did you have any other guesses?! Hit that star if this is what you've been waiting for!!!!

Only FOUR more chapters and an epilogue! CRAZY! The ending snuck up on us! It will all be posted within the next two weeks :)

Chapter song is Heartbeats by Number One Gun

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