chapter 22 [oh no]

Start from the beginning

"W-why did you do that?" I asked as I feel my cheeks redden.

"You have an ice cream on your cheek. I can't help it." Was Himuro's respond as he let out a warm smile. "And you can't waste a perfectly good ice cream either."

"B-but..." I said but stopped myself before sighing and deciding to let it off. "Ah..whatever."

Himuro chuckled.



Not far from here, there stood the same brunette girl from the shop. The same brunette girl that went to Rakuzan a few weeks ago, the same brunette girl that called the Yosen's captain a gorilla, the same brunette girl who insulted Akashi by the rumors she heard and the same brunette girl that manage to ticked the main character off. That brunette girl was Kei Saiko.

Truth to be told, she was actually still grounded for causing a scene a few weeks ago. Especially with a fairly infamous person's daughter.

She manage to sneaked out while her mother was not looking and was now around the area where Himuro and the main character were.

"That freaking wench!" Kei grumbled under her breath. "I swear to god I'm going to get her back!"

"I mean, seriously who does that?! What I said weren't wrong either! Why did she have to go all drama queen anyway!?" This time, she screamed in frustration, causing some people to looked her way.

"What are you looking at?!" She glared. "Why don't you mind your own business!?"

Those people who previous curiously glanced at her turned away. Judging her.

"Freaking wench." She muttered under her breath again, once everyone has turned away.

She was about to walked toward the park when she noticed a particular person from across the street. That particular person 'that ruined her life. '

"Just in the right freaking moment." She growled. Kei was about to walked across the street when she noticed another person with her and that person was so happen to be the 'hot emo guy', Himuro Tatsuya.

"Why she with that hot emo guy?!" Growled Saiko for the countless time. "Didn't she said she was engaged to that redhead, Akashi guy?!"

'Oh my god, that 2 timing wench.' She thought to herself, before smirking wickedly.

"That 2 timing wench." She repeated the 2nd time, but this time was more monotone that the previous one. "Oh, she's going down."

Kei Saiko took out her phone and snapped a photo of them together, then another, then another, especially the part where Himuro just so carelessly wipe the ice cream off her face and ate it.

Why was she doing this? Well, the answer is simple. For blackmailing material.

She could approach her later and threaten to release to the public. Not only it will ruin her image, it will ruin her parents' company image as well. She probably didn't want that to happen and will listen to whatever Kei says, which will lead to her torture.


Or better yet she could send this to Akashi and ruined her engagement.


"Hah!" She exclaimed one more time as she thought of an idea. "That's it! I'll send this to Akashi!"

'But wait...'

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