Kathryn Cloé and Ian Damon

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Recap:"We'd like to know the babys okay and the gender " Xav said to the secretary and she nodded leading us to a room that had some kind of hospital bed and a lot of machines next to it

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"We'd like to know the babys okay and the gender " Xav said to the secretary and she nodded leading us to a room that had some kind of hospital bed and a lot of machines next to it

"Doctor Len will be here soon, you're highness, please rest on the bed" she said aiming the last statement towards me       

Not a minute later doctor Len came in and greeted us apologizing for her not being here immediately

I layed on the bed and she put some kind of jell on my tummy and than started moving  a wand thingy around my tummy

Bloom boom tack
Bloom boom tack
Bloom boom tack

The babys heartbeat filled our ears and tears of happiness filled my eyes as i looked at the screen holding Xavd hand

"Your highness, the baby's..."

End of recap.

We lifted our hand for everyone to see the blue and pink paint hand prints in the shape of heart on my round tummy

"They're twins" i said excitedly hopping around like a crazy woman

"They're twins" i said excitedly hopping around like a crazy woman

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Lets go back shall we ...

"mister and misses Angel, it's a-"

Wooooohh i didn't mean that much backwards

"Your highness, the babies are in perfect condition" the doctor said

"Wait... what?" Asked Xav

"Babies are?" I asked

"Your highnesses, princess Cleo is pregnant with two healthy twins, a girl and a boy"

I took me a minute to process what she said

"Boy and girl" i asked tears filling my eyes

"Yes your highness" the doctor said with a smile

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