Chapter 6 (Derek)

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We were all standing around a table in my loft (at least everyone told me it was mine) and Stiles was explaining, that Kate was alive (apparently someone had killed her or not) and that she was a Werejaguar. The Pups (that was what Stiles called the other teenagers of the pack) seemed not happy about that. So they were all eager to find her. Stiles was marking things on a map from Beacon Hills. "She wants Derek for sure, otherwise she wouldn't have done that to him. So at all given moments there need to be at least two people with him. Also I'm guessing those monsters we met in Mexico are from Kate so she probably got them with her. So never go alone anywhere! And the search groups will be at least out of 4 people." The pups all nodded. I was wondering why I was the Alpha. Stiles came up with plans and gave commands, like that was something he always did.

While Stiles divided them into search parties, I just looked around. They were all so determined to keep me safe. It was strange, thinking about it. I knew nothing about them, but they knew me and they were pack. Enough for me to trust them.

"Derek, Scott! Come on, we are paying Deaton a visit." Stiles said and I followed him and Scott out of the loft to an old blue jeep. Scott was letting me sit shotgun, when Stiles slipped into the driver seat. While we were driving through Beacon Hills, I was again astonished at how much the town had changed. "Who is Deaton?" I asked suddenly. "He's the vet." Scott answered me. So I turned around and raised an eyebrow. They are bringing me to the vet?! Seriously? I was a werewolf, not a dog! I was just about to tell Scott so, when I saw out of the corner of my eyes how Stiles rolled his eyes. "Deaton is also our guide for supernatural stuff. He knows people and other stuff, that helps us deal with all kinds of supernatural problems. Actually, you already met him. The vet clinic you stormed out of after you woke up - he was the guy you pushed into a cupboard." Stiles explained and I thought back to that day. Easily I remember the dark skinned man with the deep eyes. Granted this guy had some emissary-vibes going on back then. I simply nodded to show Stiles, that I remembered.

Shortly after, the man, Deaton, was shining a light into my eyes, while I sat on his operating table for animals and couldn't help feeling like one. Stiles had already made me apologize to Deaton and was now standing right behind him. "And?" Stiles asked with hope in his eyes. "When my sources are right, it is an poison, forcing his mind and body to stay in a younger age than it's supposed to be. His body and mind are visibly fighting the poison. Therefore Derek is able to contain his Alpha status and your mate bond, even if he isn't fully an Alpha or your mate right now. But it will still take some time until the poison wears off. Sadly I can't tell when that's gonna be. Could be days, could be months." I kinda hated how Deaton talked about me like I wasn't in the room. "So I will remember everyone again in a few days or months?" Deaton nodded at my question and I looked at Stiles. He just smiled reassuringly at me and took my hand in his, so I smiled back at him.

"Can we now go back to the pack?" Scott asked and ruined the moment. But he was right, the safest was with the pack and I also liked them already. "Fine, let's go." Stiles said, so we said goodbye to Deaton and went to Stiles' Jeep.

I was already with one foot in the car, when I heard the steps from something big and heavy coming right at us. When I looked at the big and heavy something it turned out to be one of Kate's Berserkers, the others had told me about.

Scott was in between the berserker and us in an instant. Stiles just got time to scream Scott's name before he got swept off his feet and sent flying through the air. For a second my heart seemed to stop, when I didn't saw Scott standing back up.

"Derek, there you are! I searched for you everywhere!" I heard Kate's soft voice and saw her gentle expression next to the berserker. She was older, but I was, too. Well not really, but my new pack told me enough about her. Now I knew that everything about her was fake. Her gentle smile and nice words were just a mask. She killed my old pack, I wouldn't let her take my new pack, my new family.

When Kate stepped forward, I growled loudly and flashed my eyes at her. Her eyes widened in shock or surprise. "That shouldn't be happening." She whispered more to herself than to Stiles or me. "Yeah, I'm really sorry we ruined your plans of manipulating Derek again." Stiles snapped at her. Because of Stiles slightly protective tone, a little smile creeped onto my face.

"Well, that makes this just more complicated. In fact now I have to slightly adjust my plan." Kate threw a glanced at Stiles. She opened her mouth, but I already knew what would happen next. "Take the human." The Berserker was already on his way to Stiles, before the last word left Kate's lips.

Many things happened at the same time: I was jumping over the hood of the car to get between Stiles and the berserker, even if I knew I would be too late; the berserker raised his weapon, aiming for Stiles head; Stiles was grabbing something from inside of the car and pulled it forward to block the berserker's weapon. Stiles metal baseball bat (he had for some reason in his car UNDER the DRIVER'S SEAT) blocked the hit, but the impact was still too much for his arms. A sickening noise echoed through the parking lot of the vet clinic, followed directly by Stiles cry of pain.

I was so close to him.

I saw were his right arm was broken, but I just couldn't move at first. Too shocked about the fact that my fiancee was hurt right in front of me. Yet the berserker didn't seem to notice me, he just added more pressure on his weapon therefore also on Stiles' bat and his broken arm.

A little tear made it down Stiles' cheek and suddenly the world went red.

Like through a mirror I felt myself grow claws and fangs. I was letting the wolf side of me take over, my instincts, which were telling me to do just this one thing, to protect Stiles from everything.

A growl escaped from my throat and I jumped against the berserker. We both flew to the side. Somehow the berserker was much lighter than I thought and also easier to hold down. The berserker was under me now, I fletched my teeth at it, one of my paws on it's chest. Just now I realized, that I wasn't wearing clothes anymore. I had fur and paws - I was a wolf.

Somehow it didn't really mattered what I was. The only thing that mattered was that the berserker died, when I bit his head off.

I turned around to Kate with blood all over my face and growled again. Before I could think about what I was about to do, I already did it.

My face was now also covered with Kate's blood, but she deserved it.

Finally I turned around to Stiles, but there was already Deaton and the rest of the pack, all making sure Stiles and Scott were okay. And they were, so I turned back to my human form.

Being A Mate ~ Sterek / Teen Wolf ~ SequelWhere stories live. Discover now