Chapter 5

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Percy slid his plate next to mine. All of my brothers and sisters looked up at him, shocked that someone would dare disturb their lunch. "So," he said. "You guys in?"

We all knew he was talking about the Capture The Flag game. I had told them last week, when Percy invited me to join his team. We had come to a decision, but never told him. Yeah, we're evil like that.

Frank and I connected eyes, and I turned to Percy. "No." I said. "We're not in." His eyes went wide. "What? Are you kidding me?" I clicked my tongue. "We're gonna win, and we're not gonna be on your team."

Mandy whooped. "Ya hear that, Jackson? You're going down!" Percy chuckled a bit and got up. "We'll see about that." He walked back to his table, and the rest of my cabin erupted into a babble of conversations. "Did you see his face?" Someone laughed. Frank gave me a high five from across the table.

"What do ya say, Hollie? You ready to win this thing?" Drake clapped me on the back. I grinned. "You bet."


"You have got to be kidding me," I growled. Teaming with Hephaestus? Not bad. Teaming with Aphrodite, too? We were going to lose, and Percy would rub it in my face until the day I died. I mean, if I didn't die of embarrassment first.

Piper sighed in response. "We're not that bad, you know." She clucked. Frank gave her a warm smile, "we know." But I could tell he was struggling not to be frustrated. It was pretty obvious; the way his face scrunched up, and his already squinted eyes seeming to be shut completely. I bit my lip in an attempt not to laugh.

"Maybe if you actually knew how to use a sword," I muttered under my breath. Piper glared at me, her kaleidescope eyes glittering in anger. "Oh, I know how to use a sword," she said. "And I'm gonna shove it right up your-" "Ladies, ladies," a hand pushed me gently away, as well as Piper. A startlingly familiar face grinned at me. "Don't get me wrong, chick fights are totally hot, but we've got a game to win."

"Leo," Piper gritted her teeth. "Get out of this." Leo, I thought, that's his name. "Well, you see," Leo said easily. "I would love to, but I'm not about to watch you get pummeled relentlessly right before Capture the Flag. I mean, afterwards would work, but we don't have the time right now. Right, Holls?" He looked at me expectantly with those dark eyes. I felt my cheeks redden.

"Yeah," I croaked out. "Holls?" Frank chimed in. "That has a ring to it." Leo beamed, showing off his set of white teeth. "Thanks," he said proudly. Piper folded her arms across her chest and cleared her throat. "How about we stop the Hollie fanclub and get down to business?" She snapped.

Leo's grin widened. "Whatever you say," he chirped. We followed silently as Frank made his way to the front of our little army and led the red team to the edge of the woods. "Here's the plan," he said, pulling the wooden bow off his back and docking an arrow. "You can't fight? Defense. You can? Either offense or defense. I don't care." He took a second to inspect the arrow head.

"Victory is the most important thing here. We will split into three groups - defense, offense, and the real offense." Frank said. "Real offense?" Someone shouted. Frank nodded and straightened his shoulders. "Yeah. Offense will distract and invade; real offense will go in and retrieve the flag."

Images flashed in my mind. Crossing a river, launching myself through a raging battle and grabbing the flag. My team would lift me on their shoulders, and Percy's head would slump in shame. With a little smirk, I brought out Broken and went over to the real offense team.

Frank looked at me. "Hollie, get back on defense." I was taken aback. "Are you kidding me? Percy wanted me on his team! Do you have any idea how valuable I am?" Frank laughed and put a brotherly hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry. Maybe next time."

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