Part 10 - meeting Jim

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A/n One of my best friends had a seizure and to distract me from worrying too much I'll write.
Your p o v
I sat in my office and started my list. The list of potential kidnappers, I checked the body of my attacker. No information, on his phone he was talking to someone. The contact was labeled 'JM' the messages were pretty sketchy to be honest.
Any way I focused on it and I saw that JM is Jim Moriarty. He is a consulting criminal and yep kidnapped Sherlock and John. I sigh, I'm going to have to take this guy down. I grab my favorite gun and put on a bulky sweater to hide it. The phone buzzes and I read a message:
Jim moriarty, hi. Follow my instructions and I won't kill the people you care about.
It annoys me that people in shows and movies never answer. So I reply,
Well technically you wouldn't kill them. You don't like getting your hands dirty, you will have someone hired to kill them.... Also if you are going to threaten me I think it's fair to warn you. You messed with the wrong super spy....
The reply tells me to go to some public pool. This really annoying guy makes me annoyed, I'm gonna slap him.
Time skip to at the pool place thingy------
I stand in the pool area and it's quiet.
"Y/n you need to get out of here," I hear a familiar voice say.
"John the hedgehog ! You're ok," I shout excitedly!
"Y/n I knew you'd come, she'll be fine John," another familiar voice chimes in.
"Sherlock the otter! Thanks for believing in me," I say. "Let's get out of here but not before I crush that annoying Jim guy," I say,
"Oh, I don't think you'll be able to crush me," an Irish accent says.
"I wouldn't be too sure," I mutter.
Then two red dots find their way on my head and chest.
"Ehh, I'm in this position more often then you think. I'd thought you'd be more creative," I say sounding bored and disappointed.
"You're right, a big bad spy like you, you'd probably know five seconds before the trigger was pulled then jump into the pool," he says getting rid of the red dots.
He knows about my future predicting thing.
"H-how'd you know," I stutter out?
"I know a lot of things," he replies.
He's being ominous, rude. I roll my eyes and after some threats with guns and drama, we finally leave. Not. The guns and drama happens but we are still there.
"I'll let you leave, if we reason something out," he says.
"Actually, us three have to leave I promised Mrs. Hudson we'd be back in time for tea," I reply.
Before he answers I shove him to the side and trip him. I pull out my gun and point it at him.
"I wouldn't," he says.
I see a red dot appear on Sherlock and John.
I lower the gun and step away.
"Now I'm leaving but this isn't OVER," he says yelling the last word and leaves.
"Mellow dramatic much," I mumble.
Sherlock chuckles a little.
"What," I ask?
"Someone pointed a sniper at you and you told them it was unoriginal," he says laughing.
"Yeah I mean when you're used to it," I shrug.
"Let's get back to Baker Street, John has to make tea," I say.
He groans, "last time I bet with Mrs. Hudson."
"No, it's not," I reply.
""You're right," he says.

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