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"Y/N & Sulu, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Jim sang, following you around the halls of the Enterprise.

"Shut up, Jim. You're acting like a second grader." you replied trying not to show how much Jim's teasing was ticking you off. Couldn't he go bother Spock or something? You had been teased by everyone for liking Hikaru Sulu. You just didn't understand why everyone was acting so immature.

( Earlier )


You had just sat down to eat lunch when Nyota walked in. She saw you sitting there & a smirk appeared on her face. Earlier, Jim had told her that Y/N was in love with Hikaru. She thought is would be funny to tease you about your crush.

"So, Y/N. What's up?" Nyota asked. You glanced at her quizzically. Nyota normally didn't ask people "what's up."

"Um... nothing much." you responded.

"Really? Kirk told everyone you have a crush on-" she begin.

"SHUT UP!" you yelled.

"If you really want me to, I could try getting him to go on a date with you." Nyota said with a smirk. It took all of your self-control not to smack that smirk off the her face.

"Say anything to him & I'll make sure no man ever looks at you twice." you hissed as you stomped out of the room. You passed by Hikaru, not saying a word.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked Nyota. She gave him a smirk, covering up how much Y/N's threat had scared her. You rarely ever made a joke like that.


Scotty was in the gym fixing aa few things when you stomped in obviously mad. You walked over to where a bunch of target dummies were set up & grabbed a handful of knives. Knives were your specialty & you were amazing at using them. You began chucking them at the poor dummies, hitting them where it would be most painful & fatal. Scotty grimaced as a knife went soaring through the air, hitting a dummy square in the lungs.

"Uh... Y/N?" he said. You turned around & did your best to calm down so you wouldn't hurt Scotty. "Ye okay?"

"Never been better." you lied throwing another knife.

"Don't lie to me, Y/N." Scotty said like he was your older brother.

"Fine. Nyota is teasing me about liking Hikaru, which I'm sure Jim has already told you about." you said.

"Oh yeah. Jim did say something about ye liking Hikaru." he said remembering what Jim had said that morning. "Ye two really would make a cute couple. Ye should just tell him."

You glared at him. "Shut up! If you say anything else, I will kill you!" you yelled, turning bright red & stomping out of the gym, right as Hikaru walked in.

"What's with her?" he asked. Scotty just shook his head, feeling kind of bad for making you so mad.


You stomped into the sick bay & Bones looked up from his work. You looked royally ticked. He noticed this & just had to ask. "What's wrong?" you just groaned.

"Don't say anything mean & I'll tell you, okay?" you said.


"Everyone keeps teasing me & it's really getting on my last nerve." you said quickly, omitting the part about liking Hikaru since everyone seemed to make fun of you for it. Bones looked at you blankly. Then, you had a brilliant idea. "Do you think you could make me something that will make everyone forget about what they're teasing me about?"

"I'm a doctor, not a mad scientist. Plus, what you're being made fun of for?" he asked, already guessing what.

"Jim told everyone I like Hikaru." you mumbled. Bones nodded, congratulating himself silently for guessing correctly. "But why would ya want everyone to forget? They could help ya get together with him." you shot him a venomous look & walked to the door. But before leaving you threw a knife at him, shaving off one of his dark hairs. Hikaru walked in right as you left & noticed your anger. He decided not to ask since every time he did he was ignored.


Jim saw you walk to the bar in a rec room, where he was at, & watched as you grabbed a drink. You sat at a bar stool at the other end of the bar. Jim scooted down to you noticing the angry aura surrounding her.

"Hey, doll. What's wrong with you?" he asked, knowing very well what was wrong with her. You shot him a glare before going back to your drink. "C'mon. Don't be like this. Answer me."

"How did you find out I like Hikaru?" you asked glaring at him.

"It's called reading your texts to your friends outside of Starfleet." he replied. Your temper flared, & in one quick motion, you grabbed Jim's drink & dumped it on his head. He sat there, dumbfounded.

"That's for getting everyone to tease me!" you yelled at him.

"Tease you for what?" Hikaru asked, standing in the doorway. You turned even redder & ran out of the room. Hikaru looked at Jim, confused.

"I told everyone she likes you." Jim said plainly. A knife soared passed his head, ncking his ear. "Ouch!" he shouted. He left the room & hid in his room with the door locked. Hikaru stood where he was, completely shocked.

"She likes me back?" he thought out loud.

( Presently )

You turned around & punched Jim, giving him a nose bleed. "I told you to leave me alone!" you yelled at him. You bolted into the kitchen & grabbed a bag of your & Nyota's chocolate sash they hid for when they desperately needed chocolate. You dashed back into your room without running into anyone else.

You sat in your bed, reading comics & eating chocolate to keep your mind off of this horrible day. You were in the middle of reading Peanuts when the vent to your room busted out & out came Hikaru. You screamed & threw the closest thing at him , which happened to be a six inch heel. Hikaru ducked & held up his hands.

"I need to talk to you. Please don't throw anything else," he said. You paused reading & calmly waited for him to speak. "Listen, Kirk told me everything & I came to tell you that I like you, too."

"You do?" You responded.

"Yes, I do." he said walking over to you. You blushed. "So do you want to go get dinner sometime?"


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