Love Bites Chapter Two

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Love Bites Chapter Two:

The next morning I rolled sleepily out of bed and walked down the stairs. "Good morning. Sleep okay? You look like a zombie!" My mom laughed. "Or a vampire..." I mumbled. "She's still star stuck by that hunk that took her for a ride last night!" Allison giggled. "Oh! really?" my mom smiled. "Trust me I won't be hanging around him anymore." I huffed. "Here, have some breakfast." She said handing me a plate full of French toast, eggs, and bacon. "Thanks mom." I said. "Sweetheart, I got a job down on the board walk so I want you to hang out there while I'm working today. Ally is going to stay at the store with me. Okay?" She asked. I almost choked on my orange juice. She wanted me to go back there?? "Is that okay with you?" My mother asked sternly. "Yeah... It's great." I replied. After breakfast we got dressed and headed down to the board walk. "We'll be right here ok?" She said pointing to a video store. I nodded and walked away. I went into the comic book store wanting an explanation. I knew those two boys were behind the vampire joke last night. I stormed in the store and walked right up to them. "Alright! Very funny!" I said. They looked confused. "I know you guys were behind that vampire joke last night and let me tell you something, it wasn't funny!" I cried. "We don't know what you're talking about." The dark haired boy said. "Oh really? Well you guys gave me this comic then you got your motorcycle gang buddies to pretend to be vampires and scare the new kid! Real mature!" I scoffed. "Look, we have no idea what you are talking about, but we had nothing to do with it." The other boy said. "Really? So you're telling me you don't know anybody named Marko, David, Paul, and Dwayne? Huh?" I asked. Their faces went white. The one with the headband stared at me in fear. "Did you drink anything they gave you?" He asked grabbing my shoulders. "No... Why- wait! How did you know that!? I knew it you guys were behind this!" I cried. "Look, we've gotta tell you something, but not here." He said. "Come on." The dark haired one grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the store. "Hop on Edgar's bike." I sighed as I sat on the handle bars and we were off. We road up to an unusual house in the middle of nowhere. "Sam!!" The boy who's name was Edgar called as he banged on the door. "What is it?" A blond haired boy with baby blue eyes asked as he opened the door. "Who's this?" He asked. "We'll explain later." The dark haired boy said. "Edgar, Alan! Wait!" Sam exclaimed as he followed us up the stairs. We went into a room and Edgar slammed the door behind us. "Okay, this girl almost got turned into a half vampire!" Edgar exclaimed. "What!?" I asked stunned. "That stuff in the bottle was vampire blood." Alan said. "You guys are insane! I'm out of here!" I said walking toward the door. "Look, just listen to us. You saw Marko transform right?" Alan asked. "Well... Yeah." I replied. "But I thought it was a prank." "Well it wasn't. This place is crawling with blood suckers." Edgar said. "Santa Carla has become a haven for the undead." Alan said. I didn't want to believe them, but for some reason I did. "A while ago, we killed all of them, but we didn't know that vampires can be brought back from the dead." Alan said. "Now they are back and want revenge." Alan continued. "So you're trying to tell me that you guys killed vampires, but now they are back for revenge?" I asked. "Exactly." Edgar said. I laughed a little then I realized that these three boys, were complete serious. "I don't believe this." I said. "Well, believe it." Alan said. "Look. If you want to get turned into a blood sucking vampire go right ahead. But if you want to be safe, stick with us." Sam said. "If we all work together we can stop them." Edgar said. "For good." Alan continued. "So who's in?" Alan asked. "I'm in." Sam said as he stuck his hand on top of Alan's. "Destroy all vampires." Edgar smirked putting his hand into the pile. They all turned to me. I bit my lip and thought for a second. "Fine." I said putting my hand on top of Edgar's. "Great! Sam and Haley meet us at the comic book store tomorrow night." Edgar said as they walked down the stairs and out the door. "Need a ride home?" Edgar asked. I looked at my watch and I saw it was almost 7:00. I had promised my mom that I would have supper ready when she got home. "Yeah actually I do, do you mind?" I asked. "Not at all. Hop on." He smiled. I told him where I lived and we road away from Sam's house. We road up to my house and I got off the bike. "Thanks for the ride!" I said. "No problem." He said as I turned to walk away. I was at my door when I heard Edgar calling my name. He ran up to the door. "You forgot this." He said handing me my comic book. "Oh thanks." I said taking it. "You're welcome. See ya tomorrow." He said. "See ya!" I smiled. "Bye." He said as he walked back to his bike. Something was wrong. My stomach felt like it was turned upside down and my cheeks were burning. I think I had a crush on Edgar Frog...

Love Bites // Edgar FrogWhere stories live. Discover now