46 - Love, Selfish Love

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"Ouch!" You flinched in pain as Patrick was trying to massage your injured foot. You incurred a sprain on your way home as you got distracted by a bus with vacant seats. You flinched again as he massages it thoroughly.

"If you weren't that stupid, this wouldn't happen." He hissed at you. From your glasses, you found him glaring at you. And then, you watched him mouth something.

Idiot. His lips said.

You swung your left leg off his lap as you tried to walk to your room and when you did, you shut the door and slumped at the bed.



As soon as he lost his appetite, yours ran away too. Patrick walked out of dinner when you accidentally spilled some chicken soup on his fedora. Pete, Joe and Andy watch you, pushing the plate in front you away.

"It's just a goddamn fedora." Pete murmured. "Don't let it ruin your appetite, Y/N."

"I'm not hungry anymore." You said, picking up your plate and discarding its contents to a trash bin. The boys watched as you almost wanted to throw the plate outside. But instead, your tears engulfed you and went outside.



"Get out!" Patrick snapped, pointing to the door. All you wanted to do is to comfort him after having a bad day a work.

"Patrick, I just--"

"I said get out." He snapped again.

"Please calm--"

"How many times do I have to repeat myself, you clingy bitch?" And after those words, your hand flew in the air, leaving his cheek red and stinging. You shut the door in front you and punched it. You didn't stop until marks on your knuckles appeared and left you an almost-broken one.


There were other things that he has done and said, but you weren't able to remember it as alcohol fueled your body. You took another gulp as the rain poured heavily, drenched you and your clothes. You've been roaming the streets with a cheap, but strong beer as you treat it like your friend. You fell down on your butt and you laughed at yourself, taking another gulp from the bottle.

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