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"HUT!!!" I yelled

My team, the player in front of me pass the ball back and i catch it running forward and pushing the opponents out of my way to the touchdown.

I run and smirk knowing this is victory here.
Until i take one step into the touchdown line making a goal and i throw the ball down as i make a victory move and the whole bleachers and people that attended cheer of our teams victory tonight.

My team run and they all tackle me as they congratulate me for making our team win again.

After a while i walk to the locker room and take a shower then change.

"Congrats, another victory again, you're the man" Jonathan my best friend pats me.

"Heh thanks dude i been working on these muscles as well, keeping them fit for the ladies" i smirk as he chuckles.

"Yeah i know so how are things going between you and Juliet?" He asks

"The usual, but you know i got more dates out there" i say as i put my jacket on.

"Oh so now you are leaving Juliet and going for another girl, damn you are such a heartbreaker for all those girls you used and left them" he says as he opens his locker next to mine and gets his stuff.

"Like i care, girls only want me by my looks, popularity and my cash theres no way i will be willing to stay with any girl in a long relationship, i only want-" he cutts me

"Pussy!!!" he laughs as we both high five.

"Yeah, and how much pussy have you been getting lately " i smirk.

"Haha enough pussy to keep me away from thirst" he says as we both laugh.

"You never get pussy my friend "i say
We both laugh again.

We walk out the locker room as we walk to the parking lot.

"Alright man see you tomorrow at practice " we both nod as we walk separated ways to our cars.

Next day~

*school bell rings*

"Yo evan!" I hear marcel and turned around to see all my crew walking to me.

"Yo" i smirk.

"Dude we got some news, after practice lets stay in the field longer and do some awesome shit" Tyler says as the rest agree.

"Alright but it better not be like last time, craig ran out the locker room to the field completely naked" i laugh as they all laughed even craig.

"I was totally okay to do that dare, besides there were no people so it was just us" craig says.

"True but i totally got you recorded and definitely uploading this to YouTube" Tyler smirks

"HEY! Gimme dat phone tyler!!" He starts running after tyler as tyler laughs running away from him.

"I ship em" nogla laughs

"Dude cut it out with those gay shipping shit, stop watching too much anime crap" marcel tells him.

"Hey! I love anime a lot! Most people do!" He yells

"White people" he face palms as me, moo, ohm, laugh.

"Bae!!!!" I get hugged by Juliet.

"Sup babe" i put my arm around her.

"Well i was thinking if we could go out on lunch, somewhere so special " she smiles

"Uhhh sorry but i got to be in practice with my gang"

"O.M.G!!! Ugghhhhh!! Why always them?!" She whines

Lost Game~ Vanoss X Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now