[ Favourite Resources ]

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Here are few lists/accounts that you need to check out because I mostly use their resources. However, please note that there are more resources accounts that is amazing. I encourage you guys to explore more. 

Please note that if you do use their resources, for the love of Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans, please credit them. NEVER say "Resources credit to the owner" or not crediting them at all. That's fucking rude and annoying. 




▹ https://irwinbae.deviantart.com/

▹ https://jakepatt.deviantart.com/

▹ https://ravenorlov.deviantart.com/

▹ https://admiremystyle.deviantart.com/

▹ https://tuschen.deviantart.com/

▹ https://evey-v.deviantart.com/

▹ https://valeryscolors.deviantart.com/

▹ https://4mira.deviantart.com/


▹ https://valeryscolors.deviantart.com/

▹ https://marinadiaz2002.deviantart.com/

▹ https://alkindii.deviantart.com/


▹ https://mockingjayresources.deviantart.com/

▹ https://mxlfoy.deviantart.com/

▹ https://beapanda.deviantart.com/

▹  https://exoticpngs.deviantart.com/

▹ https://confidentpngs.deviantart.com/

▹ https://xmissonedirectionx.deviantart.com/

▹ https://dariayourlocalidiot.deviantart.com/

▹ https://mareditions1.deviantart.com/

▹ https://bonitarogue.deviantart.com/

▹ https://magic-pngs.deviantart.com/

▹ https://elision-pngs.deviantart.com/ 

▹ https://sugarrush19.deviantart.com/ 


▹ https://jakepatt.deviantart.com/  

▹ https://ravenorlov.deviantart.com/

▹ https://evey-v.deviantart.com/

▹ https://tuschen.deviantart.com/

▹ https://ravenheart1989.deviantart.com/

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