He bought Ryan a car for his seventeenth, for crying out loud.

And he even helped pay half of the bond for my house.

I don't know, I hate being spoilt, but its nice..

Anyway, I was currently getting ready to go on a 'date' with Selena.

Ryan doesn't know yet, but he's been playing the PS3 all day, I'll be surprised if he knows what time it is.

I felt my phone buzz, so I pulled it out of my skinny-jeans pocket.

Selena; 'I'm outside the hotel room now'

I sighed, looking down at myself.

I had a red shirt on, with brown skinny-jeans and black high-tops.

I looked casual.

I headed towards the door, ready to leave.

"Where are you going, Chaz?" Ryan asked from the couch.

I smirked, biting my lip.

Here goes nothing.

I put on a straight face, looking to Ryan, "I'm going on a date."

"A date?" Ryan furrowed his brows, "With who?"


"Gomez?" Ryan asked, shocked.

I nodded.

"But I thought you guys hated each other?" Ryan raised a brow.

"Yeah... but, well, we have been texting a lot, and I guess she's pretty cool... You don't mind, right?" I asked, a little hopeful he'll say something against it.

Ryan sighed, "Why would I mind? We're just friends..."

That hurt.

I nodded, "Bye then." I walked out of the door, and to Selena, who sighed.

"Lets get this date done with."

Niall's POV

"Second concert tonight, Justin. Don't overwork yourself, alright?" Ryan G said to Justin. Justin nodded as he was rehearsing some of his dancing.

I watched from a seat in the front row, admiring how focused he was in his movements...

I may have stared a little more than I should have at his hip thrusts and stuff.

He looked so sexy when he did it, I got flustered every single time.

At last nights concert, I swear I almost fainted.

His shirt came flying off at points, exposing his perfectly toned abs. 

I felt my cheeks heat up when Justin sent me a flirty wink as he climbed off stage.

Damn him and his sexy-ness.

"Niall, come with me to my dressing room." Justin smiled, pulling me up. 

We headed off to his dressing room.

Justin was basically skipping like an idiot, but an adorable idiot at that.

I chuckled as he pulled me into the private room, closing the door quickly.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Kiss." Justin chuckled, pulling me closer to him.

I smirked, "Really now?"

Justin nodded, leaning closer to my face and connecting our lips.

Dare To Dream [sequel to GASCYKI]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя