Shaking her head Yasmine declined as she hopped out of her seat "We won't need them !! You got a condom ?" She asked backing away towards the elevator

Caught off guard Daniel smiled then nodded, "Yeah !!" Standing up he wrapped his arm around her waist guiding them both to the elevator ..

Once inside Yasmine attacked, pushing him back against the wall they kissed .. His hands roamed underneath her dress, gripping and rubbing her ass .. Yasmine was more than ready to get to his room .. Getting off of the elevator they rushed into his room, undressing each other in the process !!

"Condom ?" She asked as she laid back on the bed, now fully naked she reached down between her legs and began to massage her pussy ..

Daniel wasn't used to nothing she was doing, he was a young, black, up and coming doctor .. Fresh out of medical school .. He was used to snobby, ivy league women, the basic vanilla sex that everyone was used to .. And that include none of what Yasmine was putting out .. but he was enjoying it .. Going into his luggage he pulled out two condoms .. Yas watched as he slid it on, climbing on top of her she pushed him off of her then climbed on top of him .. Slowly sliding down on his dick she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling .. Bouncing on top of him she watched as Daniel closed his eyes and moaned .. Still massaging her clit she watched as Daniel near his peak, while she was nowhere ready to cum she went ahead and gave him the best orgasm he probably ever had !! She cold feel the condom go warm letting her know he had came, sliding off of him she took the condom off and handed him the other one ..

"Put it on !!" She said walking to the bathroom ..

"Oh man, You gonna have to give me a minute !!" He replied smiling as he admired her body .. more so her ass as it jiggled while she walked ..

"I don't have a minute !!" She yelled from the bathroom "You got yours, now I need mine !!" She said walking back into the room ..

"Just wait !!" He smiled still out of breath

Folding her arms Yasmine watched as he attempted to catch his breath, glancing at her Rolex she knew Cameron was about to come looking for her if he hadn't already ..

"I gotta go !!" She said picking her dress up off of the floor

"No, No, wait, just give me a minute !!" He replied sitting up

"I don't have a minute !!" She said sliding her dress on

"Well can I at least have your number ?" He asked staring up at her as she got dressed

"Don't have one of those either !!" Yasmine grabbed her pumps off of the floor and sat next to Daniel as she put them on

Laughing he shook his head "So that's it ?" He asked

"I guess so !!" She smiled kissing his cheek, Putting on her other heel he watched as she grabbed her clutch bag and headed for the door ..

Not waiting for him to say anything she left out, enough of her time had been wasted ..

"Yasmine !!" She heard a voice yell from behind her, turning around she seen Cameron and Jason heading her way ..

Adjusting her dress she watched as they approached her

"Where you comin from ?" Cameron asked

"This chick, she passed out on the elevator .. I was helping her to her room !!" She quickly lied

Looking her up and down Cameron took a few steps back towards the room she walked out of and knocked on the door ..

"Cameron, it's no need for all that !! Let's go !!" She said grabbing his hand, pulling him away ..

"Why your hair all over your head Yasmine ?!" He asked glaring at her ..

Before she could answer Daniel answered the door, still in his boxers .. He looked confused as he stared back and forth between the two ..

Laughing Cameron shook his head then pushed Yasmine against the wall, "How much you charge ?!" He asked with a calm face

Shaking her head Yasmine didn't know what to say nor think ..

Yanking her by her arm he pulled her to the elevator with Jason following close behind .. "If you gonna be fuckin other mu'fuckin people I could be making some money off your bitch ass !!" He replied pushing her into the elevator ..

Stunned Yasmine didn't say anything .. She was too scared to .. She was mad at herself for even making a dumb ass decision like that, it wasn't even worth it !!


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