Chapter 18

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Juliet's P.O.V.

"I was um, wondering if you wanted to be my, um, girlfriend?" Matt looks at the ground while I continue to walk with the boys.

This is the question I've been dreading. I don't want to hurt Matt's feelings. Plus I need to get over Peter. What do I have to lose anyways?

"Okay," I smile at him.

"Really? Because I didn't think you would because I thought you-"

"Shh," I shush him.

"Juliet, are you feeling alright?" Matt asks taking a step away from me.

"Would you like me to rethink this?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

Matt fixes his dark brown hair, and his freckles stick out from his other features.

"Oh my god! Hey guys!" Peyton literally comes out of no where and stops in front of us.

"Hey," I look at the boys nervously.

"I didn't know we were hanging out," Peyton steps in between Matt and me.

Matt automatically puts his arm around Peyton, and she smiles and leans into him.

Wow, I'm officially dating the biggest player in my school. Yay.

"I never said it was a good idea to say yes," Connor says walking closer to me.

"What was I supposed to say?" I whisper scream to him.

"I dunno. You could've said you have a boyfriend already," Connor shrugs.

I sigh. Peter. Peter Pan. I sure as heck like Peter a lot more than Matt. Even if I'll never see him again. Why am I thinking of Peter? I should be thinking of Matt. Matt is my boyfriend. Not Peter. So why can't Peter leave my mind?

"Hey babe," Matt says leaving Peyton to walk by herself, and he walks up to me, "I got a Christmas party tomorrow night, you wanna come with me?"

"Sure," I shrug. It's not like I'll be doing anything else anyways.

"Dress up nice. And it's a Christmas party, so wear a Christmas constume or something."

"Okay," I fake another smile in his direction.

"Your smile is so beautiful," Matt grins.

If he can't tell my fake smiles, should I even be dating him? Probably not.

"Do we get to go to the Christmas party?" Jake pipes in.

"Did I invite you?" Matt gives him a look.

"You should though," Jake winks.

Matt just rolls his eyes and we continue to walk back to my place.

Peter Pan's P.O.V.

I wake up the next morning. I had a very detailed dream about Juliet. I miss her even more than before. If that's possible. I need to do something about this.

"Pan, you're totally late!" Riley greets me when I walk to camp.

"Sorry," I rub my eyes, "Overslept."

"Duh! But you didn't miss much, except Felix is going a little nuts," Riley says.

"What do you mean 'a little nuts'?" I ask nervously.

I hope my nervousness isn't showing. I can't show any weaknesses.

"You let Wendy leave. He's mad. He refuses to talk to anyone," Riley scratches his head.

"Ugh. I can't deal with all this," I groan.

"I'm talking," Felix suddenly walks up to us, "Just not to Pan."

"You know what? I've decided. I'm going to get Juliet. And I need someone to watch the island," The words slip out of my mouth before I can even think about it.

"Really?" Rileys eyes are wide.

"Yeah," I nod, "I'm leaving as soon as this conversation is over."

"We'll take care of the island. You'll be back soon, right?" Riley asks.

"Yeah, hopefully. If I'm lucky, I'll be back with the most beautiful girl in the world," I smile thinking of Juliet.

"You can count on us. Or at least on me," Riley smiles wide.

"I better be able to. I'll be back soon boys," I take pixie-dust out of my pocket, and spread it over me.

Before I know it, I'm flying towards New York City to find my love.

A/N: jejshshhwsiskwk. GOOD GOIN PETER! thank u guys for all those comments! i loved all the suggestions for the chapter. every single comment i read put a giant smile on my face so yayayyayayyyyyy! WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN WITH JULIET AND MATT OMGAKABKI. matt go away no one likes u. oops sorry i created him. whatever im off to catching fire for the second time((((((: pretty please VOTE AND COMMENT and i'll love u forever. jk i already love all of u but still! thank u guys so much for reading, and have a happy thankgiving break. this is way too long ok bye. xx-kate.

*not edited*

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