Chapter 1

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Chapter One: New Opera in New Worlds

Genesis groaned, covering her face with her pillow as the alarm clock blared at her. "Five more minutes..." She reached her hand out, smacking the snooze button with a vengeance.

Seven years had passed since Genesis had ran away from home. It had been a hard seven years. First and for most, she had been a thirteen year old girl out and about on her very own. She had little money to her name, and no true skill to offer anyone. Genesis had gotten through the first half of that initial year by cleaning houses for elderly individuals. It was rough, and often times very limited in funds. Somehow, however, Genesis pulled through the first initial year.

Finally, with enough money to at least to get what she needed rather than wanted, Genesis searched for a small apartment. She had made her way from the country land of Pennsylvania to New York City, and she knew that life was going to be hard. That was what challenged her to push through it. With the small amount of money she did have, Genesis rented a tiny apartment on the crummy side of town. It wasn't much at all, but it had light, a bed, and running water. That was all that mattered.

So Genesis seemed content. Content, until she turned sixteen. Everything was becoming a chore, and nothing was turning out the way Genesis had dreamed it would. She ran away to dance, but all her dancing shoes did was hung from the hook in her bedroom wall.

She felt that the walls in her small apartment were slowly morphing into the walls of her bedroom back in Pennsylvania. Genesis felt closed in and afraid that she'd never reach her true goals. With a heavy heart, and a determined spirit, Genesis saved a few extra dollars and set out to find a ballet school.

The cheapest one cost a hundred dollars a month, far more than Genesis could honestly afford. But this was all she had! This was what she wanted! To dance was her dream! So, with a little extra backbone and effort, Genesis went in search for another job. At the age of sixteen, finding something that payed more was a lot easier.

They hired her on as a waitress at one of the local diners in downtown NYC. It wasn't the cleanest place with the cleanest atmosphere, but it had potential to bring enough funds for just a few dance classes. That was all she needed.

After nearly three dragging months of waitress work, Genesis was able to get her first lesson at the NYC Dance Academy for Beginners. It was a splendid time, and everything just seemed to melt away as Genesis waltzed and pirouetted her way to the very head of the class. No more than five lessons in did her teacher find her to be quite the dancer. In fact, the teacher had heard of Genesis's sad tale and had offered her more advanced lessons at a cheaper price.

Without hesitation, Genesis took the offer, spinning her way into a more advanced ballet class. She was a shining star among the students in even that class, twirling circles around some. She would make it far with the spirit that she brought, if nothing else that was for sure.

Then came her big break. It was just played off like some simplistic recital. Genesis was seventeen at the time. In most of the performer's minds, nothing was going to be out of the ordinary. But to everyone's surprise, it was far more than a recital. No one knew it, but a talent agent had come to that recital, viewing and critiquing each one of the dancers. In that man's mind, one girl stood out from the rest of the crowd, and that girl was Genesis.

Within no more than a weeks worth of time, Genesis received a letter from a prestigious dance agency company, offering her a small position on Broadway. It was something that Genesis had always dreamed of doing, and the agency believed that Genesis had the skill to be ale to handle that kind of push.

Genesis was far more than delighted to accept the offer. She quickly put her job at the small diner on hold and packed her bag full of what little things she had to her name. But deep down in her heart, she wanted to perform more than just on Broadway. Genesis wanted now to perform on the stages of the world!

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