Chapter 59: Hokage

Start from the beginning

"It's been a tough battle, give him some time, Naruto. His body needs to heal with patience."

"I know, but I hate seeing the pain he's in when he's not sedated."

"We'll catch Danzou, I promise you. We're expanding our circle."

"I want to go after him." I told him.

"Are you sure? You could let your rage out and that wouldn't be good."

"I want to go after him. I'm going to show him that he can't come near my man while I'm here with him."

"Alright then, I'll let you know when we find him."

I walked over to Ino, who was talking to Hinata, so she could give me some medicines for Sasuke. When I arrived to her, they were talking about the entire topic of the war but at least they weren't pinning everything against Sasuke like others in the village had. As if it was Sasuke's fault that it had started, he had nothing to do with it! He only wanted to live peacefully but instead, he got everyone to hate him, to try to kill him even in his own home because Konoha was his childhood home and I didn't understand why no one could see that. Nobody wanted to see Sasuke as another one of their own in Konoha.

Ino gave me a bottle of pills to reduce Sasuke's pain and asked me about him and his state. I clarified that he was getting better but very slowly. I also took the chance to tell her that sure enough, I would end up leaving as soon as he could walk normally. I didn't want to risk something happening to him on the way. Although I would miss my dream of being Hokage, initiating a new life with Sasuke in a town abandoned by the hands of God, like the one I had found him in with his brother and Deidara, didn't seem like a bad idea.

When I exited the hospital, I bumped into Itachi, who was in the park with Deidara, the two of them sitting on the lawn under a tree in embrace and looking out into a lake where a civilian was fishing. I saw them so in love, so calm... so in love that I didn't know what to think of all this. In reality, I did have something to think of: I thought that I too, wanted something like that with Sasuke; a calm life with him, living day by day and I didn't care if we had to build our own home or do whatever we needed to do to survive.

In fact, I was hoping to leave the construction of the house to Sasuke, because if he left me the task, we could forget about having a good home because I was very bad in the whole construction and creating things from scratch thing. I don't know if Sasuke was good or not, but at least he had his brother and he could ask for a bit of help.

I returned home to give Sasuke his medications but once I entered the house and headed towards the room, I realized that Sasuke was still sleeping like a log. Not even a tsunami could wake this guy and I had to acknowledge that being in my house with me, Sasuke could manage to sleep without problems.

He woke up while I was caressing him again and although it cost him to open his eyes, he pulled himself closer to me a bit more so I could continue caressing him. It's just that Sasuke, although cold, could also be really sweet; I loved everything about him and I couldn't help smiling seeing him although I also noticed how his body still hurt. At least now he was beginning to move his hands and that was a great advance.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yes." He said. "If you keep touching me, yes."

"You're something else." I commented while smiling. "Does it hurt a lot?"

"A bit."

"Take your medication." I told him. "You'll be better with it."

"That's not true. You know too much leaves me kind of out of it."

"But that way I can take more advantage of you." I laughed with the joke and he smiled.

"So that's why..." He smiled. "And here I thought it was because you were worried about my pain."

"Seriously, take it. Whenever you're ready to make the trip, we'll leave here, I promise you that."

"Weren't they going to make you Hokage today?" He asked and I didn't know how he had noticed, but he was right.

"I declined." I told him. "It won't be me, I already told you that I'm only interested in you."

"Then why is Ibiki looking for you?" He asked me and I was surprised.

He was right, I felt his chakra come towards us from the street and I left his medicine at his side and told him I'd be right back. I think Sasuke already guessed that I was going for Danzou judging by the face he made. He also asked me to take him with me but I couldn't take him, not with how he was now. I knew he was very vengeful but this time and this time only... this would be my vengeance and not his. I would take care of defending Sasuke of whoever and wherever.

I got out of the house, knowing Sasuke wouldn't follow me in his state. Ibiki was surprised to see me there so quick and then told me how they had located Danzou's location. I didn't take long marching off with Ibiki's squadron. I wanted that man behind bars or kill him then and there for everything he tried to do to my Sasuke.

The squadron wasn't bad; everyone seemed very strong and plus, Ibiki too came along and that gave me confidence. We exited the village from a route I had never gone through and we arrived where Danzou was supposed to be. It was a small cabin out in the outskirts where he hid himself like a rat, which was what he was. I entered without warning, kicking the door open and breaking it down to enter and see Danzou gravely injured on a bed. I suppose he had been trying to recuperate from the wounds Sasuke had left him during his fight, but that didn't stop me.

I grabbed him by the neck of his jacket and took him out forcefully, glaring at him hatefully like I had learned from Sasuke and although he begged for his life, in this moment, I only thought of destroying him. Ibiki had to come over and calm me down and once he did, I threw Danzou over to him like a sack so they could take him away. I knew Ibiki wouldn't leave him in prison without giving him a good torture and what's more, Danzou had secrets of the village that they had to protect, meaning that the torture would be anything but pleasant.

When I returned after making sure Ibiki had taken Danzou to his base, I found myself with Sasuke sleeping. I think the medication had left him very tired. As I neared him, he woke up and asked me how everything went. I told him how Danzou wouldn't bother him anymore and I laid down at his side to hug him, cuddling his face on my chest to feel him close, so he too, could feel me close to him and be protected because with me, Sasuke would always be protected.

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