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"Wait so you're actually Luke Bryan?" The little 6 year old girl asked at the meet and greets her sin Nashville.

"Yes I am sweetie. Believe it or not." I smiled big.

"That's so cool!" She said. She's so much in shock it's adorable.

"Where are your seats at tonight?" I asked her making small talk.

"Mamma and aunt Terri got pit tickets for us!" She exclaimed having the biggest smile on her face. She looked over to her mamma who was waiting for her to be done with the meet and greets. I looked and smiled and waved and the little girls mamma smiled and waved back. "My big brother never believed me that I was meeting you." She said.

"Well why is that?"

"He kept telling me that you aren't a real person." That made me laugh because of how cute this little thing was.

"Well I defiantly am. Here should we take some selfies and pictures to prove it?" I asked.

Her eyes just lit up and she ran to get her mom to take some pictures. "Thank you." The little girls mamma said.

"Of course anytime." I smiled big. "You know I have a really good idea what we could do to prove this thing to your brother." I said sheepishly.

"What Luke?" She squealed.

She handed me her mamas phone and I got the video going. "What's your brothers name?"

"Jake." She said.

"Okay are you ready? We are going to be taking a video." I smiled. She nodded and waited for me to start the video. This was a long meet and greet but she was the last one of the day.

"Hey jake this is Luke Bryan here with you sister Elizabeth. We are just standing here talking and we just wanted to say hey."

"Hi jakey. I told you he was real!" She squeaked to the camera. "Love you jakey."

We both waved to the camera and I ended it. "Thank you so much." The woman said smiling.

"No problem. Its the least I could ever do." I smiled.

And she smiled back. Our gazes meet for a while and then the little girl broke it. "Thank you Luke." And she gave me a big hug down at
my legs. When she released I bent down and gave her a real hug.

"Anytime Darlin'. You have fun the show now, ya hear?"

She nodded and a tear slipped. I had my hands on her shoulders just looking at her.

"What's wrong?"

"This makes me miss my daddy more and more." She whimpered. Her mamma noticed that she was crying so she came up by me.

"What happened to him?"

"He went over seas in battle and got very hurt and went to see God."

"I'm sorry sweetie. Your dad was and is a brave person. Be proud of him as you miss him. Come here." I hugged her and I looked up at her mamma and whispered 'thank you.' And she just nodded.

Soon the little girl stopped crying and then went to the arena. I waved and she just giggled. That was one hell of a family I thought. I would never forget them.

Right after M&G was the show and that was probably my all around best performance so far on this tour. I remember grabbing Elizabeth's moms phone and taking a selfie from up on stage and then I pulled Elizabeth up and we sang country girl. She knew every word and stole the spot light right from me. That was such a great moment.

The show was over and we had to take a rented bus to Huntsville Alabama. Then we'd fly straight from Alabama back out west.

"Why are you so cranky?" Carter asked. We were sitting at the table and everyone else was in their bunks sleepin.

"Lack of sleep I suppose." I chuckled a bit.

"We're all living off hardly any sleep."

"I know. I just have had a lot of things on my mind. The past couple nights I didn't get any sleep. I figured Paige would be at the show tonight but she wasn't. And she hasn't texted me hardly at all." I said.

"Do you really like her?" He asked.

"I don't really know. But the kisses and stuff kinda made me have feelings for her." I sighed.

"I know that with out a doubt if you kiss someone you'll feel some sort of something. Whether it's sparks or just stronger friend ship feelings."

"I hate to say this but I think about it and I just don't think I could ever picture my life with her. She's my bestfriend and that being said that's all I want her to be." I stood up and got a beer. "I know the saying is is that you're supposed to marry your bestfriend. But I think I will. I just haven't found her yet. And i am in no rush."

"And that's alright. You don't have to have anyone with you until you find them and you are ready."

"I just guess I don't know where we stand right now. Maybe she thought after I'd left and came back things would normal again."

Carter took a drink of beer. "I wouldn't doubt it."

"And I guess that was my mistake to feel the urge to kiss her and give back what she gave me. Maybe that's all she wanted. Was alittle side to side." I said taking a bigger drink.

"You're a smart guy. You'll figure it out." He said.

"On the other hand I met this girl before we left." I said.


"I think her name was Caroline." I said probably having the cheesiest smirk on my face.

"Well what about her?" He asked.

"I just think about her every now and then."

Like can't stop thinking about Paige? Why though?
He brings up Caroline too. What do you think is going to happen?
How do y'all like this book so far?

Please comment and vote makes me want to write more!

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