Chapter 25

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"Hi mum." I greeted her over the phone, 6 days after I dropped her off. "I need to tell you something." I told her. "Sure." She hummed. "I know it's probably not the best thing for me to just call, not ask you how you are, and what not, but I just need to get it out and tell you. I'm moving to New York. I'll buy a small apartment for me, and keep all of your things in storage. Once you get better I'll buy you a little house." I rambled, while I hoped she'd agree. 

The phone was silent for a moment, "Well." She started. "Mum please. I'm going whether you want me too or not. I need to be there with you." I interuppted before she could say no. "Fine Claire. Just know that I don't think you should. I think you should stay in England." She said, and I knew she meant it. 

"I understand mum, but I want to go." I said, trying to reassure her. "I need to get off of the phone dear, the woman in 3b wants to use it. I love you, and I will call you tomorrow, Promise." She said, and the phone clicked.

I hated the fact I couldn't talk to my mum for very long. I never got to ask her how the first treatment was, or how she felt about being there. I just hoped the woman in 3b didn't always want to use the phone. 

Right as I was about to start packing up my mum's room I got a text. "Claire meet me outside your house in 5 minutes to talk ... seriously no choice !!" It was from Niall. I guess I can't leave him out there, and plus the sooner we talked the sooner he can leave me alone.

It seems bitchy, to just drop Niall, and it's pretty confusing. Surprisingly though it wasn't that hard, I mean I think about him a lot, but I don't neccesarily want to ring him every 3 seconds.

I went outside and waited on the front step of the house. A minute later Niall pulled up in his car. He stepped out and slowly came over to me. "Hey." He mumbled, and took a spot next to me on the step. 

"I know I was wrong. I know saying sorry won't make up for it, and I know you hate me. Just please listen." He said, his voice becoming concerning. Was he ill too? Why did he sound so concerned?

"I'm listening." I told him, and I was genuinely ready to listen. "We haven't seen Harry in 4 days. No one knows where he is. I've tried ringing him, management has tried, even his mum tried. He won't pick up. The paparazzi can't even find him.  Could you try to find him?" He said, his eyes begged me to say yes.

"He's just gone?" I asked, unsure of what to say. "Yes. Please call him." Niall said, or .... practically begged. 

I stood up, and walked to the sidewalk and called Harry. The phone rung twice, "Hello." Harry answered, his voice raspy. "Where the hell are you?" I asked, now angry that he only answered the phone for me, not even for his mum. His own mum, he ignored her.

"I left." He said, nonchalantly. "Oh you just left? That's what you did, huh? Well where are you?" I asked. I know I'm being a bit out of line, obviously he left out of stress, I assume. I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell anyone. People could think he was dead.

Sure I mean, you can tell people "I'm going on a vacation" and not tell them where, fine, but don't just leave. 

"Why do you care?" He asked, his voice sounded just as angry as mine now. "What do you mean why do I care? Cause you've been practically dead for the last 4 days!" I said. The phone was silent. "You thought I was dead?" He asked, his tone hushed. Honestly, the last 4 days I've been packing, I thought of Harry of course. I just didn't bother to text him, he told me not to speak to him. So, no, I didn't think he was dead, I didn't think about it.

"I didn't think you were dead , but other people could have, just tell me where you are. Please." I begged. He sighed, "I'm at a hotel." 

A hotel? He hid away at a hotel for 4 days and no one knew? "Come to my house please." I begged, for the second time. "Okay." He said, and he sounded a bit more happy.

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