Chapter 11- As Time Went On

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Everyone ‘awed’ as the music began playing. I thought I would feel self-conscious from the hundreds of people staring at me, but once Chris sung the first note all I could see was him. I was blushing really hard and cheesing at the same time.

“What the hell babe,
Damn I ain't never felt this way
Somebody, somebody, tell me
I don't have a clue what to do when it comes to you
Baby, you're so beautiful
Every time I see you girl, you throw me off
It's so unusual for me to be waiting
But I don't want to blow it girl,
But you should know this girl
I'm not gonna be the one to mess this up
Cause I done messed up in love before,
Imma be the one to take a back seat girl
We can take our time and you can run this, Stay in, go out,
Anything you want girl, we can do
Girl are we going down, I don't know,
But from here now baby I'm gone leave that up to you,
Imma leave it up to you


I had a wide smile on my face for the entire song, and when he was done, he kissed me passionately…on stage. I thought the crowd would be mad, but they cheered for us, and it was a great feeling. The kiss lasted for a while, and I pulled away smiling.

“I’ll see you after the show,” Chris whispered in my ear which was my cue to leave.

After he, Tyga, Big Sean, and Keri Hilson performed, Chris told me that he had a few hours before he had to leave for the last few shows in Florida, so he paid for a hotel for those few hours.

Chris still had sweat dripping down his face as we stepped into the hotel. He took a towel out of the bathroom and wiped his forehead before sitting down beside me on the couch in the suite.

“I can’t believe you pulled me on the stage like that!” I said and hit him playfully.

“I didn’t know you would be scared to go up in front of everyone, but I knew I had to sing that song…to you,” he took his shirt off then put his arm around me.

“Well, it was sweet…but don’t ever do it again,” I joked.

“So how have you been? I missed you.”

I glanced at his glistening biceps from the sweat and couldn’t help placing my hand on his six-pack and scooting a little closer to him.

“I’ve been good…missing you too,” I replied and layed my head on his shoulder.

“After these last few shows, you don’t have to worry about that anymore,” he kissed my forehead, “It’s been a long tour, but it’s almost over.”

“So…I have a question,” I stated.


“What was it you said you had to tell me? I’ve been waiting all day…and I’m getting kinda scared.”

“What are you talking about?” he acted like he didn’t know.

“You called me late one night like last week and said you had to tell me something important.”

“Oh…it’s nothing now.”

“Well, what was it?”

“Nothing, forget about it,” he insisted.

“Well…I have something to tell you,” I sat up and turned to him.

“What?” he looked me deep in the eyes which made me feel more comfortable to tell him, but I was still nervous.

I wasn’t sure how Chris would react, so I tried to stall time, but the longer I waited to say it, the more nervous I could see him getting.

“Tell me!” he said.

I finally took a deep breath and took his hands in mine, “I’m pregnant…again.”

I watched as his eyes widened. He didn’t say anything, and I was hoping that meant he wasn’t mad. But, a few seconds went by and he still wasn’t saying anything back.

“I know, you weren’t expecting this a-a-and you’re shocked right now, because we didn’t plan for this, b-but I’m just hoping you’re not angry at me, because I didn’t mean for this to hap—,” he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine and giving me multiple soft kisses.

I pulled away stunned and saw him smiling.

“Y-you’re happy about this?”

“Of course I am,” he kissed me again then pushed some of my hair behind my ear, “I love you, and…I promise you, once this baby comes, I’m gonna love it too.”

I didn’t know why it was weird for me to see him react as happy as he did. And, I didn’t want him to be happy about it either…because I wasn’t. My life was just beginning to get a little better and I wanted to keep it that way.

“But…what if I told you I don’t…want to keep the baby. I think I want…an abortion.”

“What?! Why?” he wrinkled his eyebrows and the mood in the room quickly changed.

“Because… I don’t think I’m ready to have another child. What if Maurice thinks I’m replacing him…” I tried to hold back my tears, “It hasn’t even been a year since he died.”

He pulled me close to him, “You won’t be replacing him; he knows you loved him.”

I sighed.

I thought about my options. I knew Chris honestly didn’t want me to be pregnant. Just recently, he was talking about how he didn’t want to have any kids since he’s still “young”, and now all of a sudden he was happy that we’re going to be having another baby. For some reason I got the feeling that he was just pitying me because of Maurice since he didn’t get the chance to be with him. And his way of making up for it was by us having another baby.

I didn’t want to think negative, so I put all those thoughts to the back of my mind and hoped for the best as time went on.

Oh My Love: PART 2 [RATED R] (A Chris Brown Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن