What Would Happen If We Kissed...

Bắt đầu từ đầu

-Green Eyes- Great! it's a date then see you this evening then!

-Me- Sure thing Beautiful.

I lay in bed for a few more hours until I began feeling better I hopped into the shower to refresh myself and Mosey on down to the kitchen to make a picnic meal for Lauren and I, I  wanted this date to be a surprise  and I figured what better way to say surprise than an impromptu picnic.
I arrived via Harley Davidson Lauren walked  out in short shorts and a black crop top I stared at her amazing body and flawless curves

"WOW you look amazing" I said and I checked her out  she giggled and thanked me

"So I've got something  amazing planned for us I think you're  going to like it  but first we have to think about safety soo put this on" I said handing her a helmet.

"What about you?" She asked as she furrowed her brow ."eh you're more important today"  I said sarcastically 

I helped Lauren onto the bike
"You might wanna hold on tight beautiful" I exclaimed as I fired the engine it started with a loud roar and soon we were off


"Were are we" Lauren asked as we got off the cycle.

"We are somewhere I go when I want to be alone" I replied as I unhooked the picnic basket from the trunk

"And  we are also where I like to take beautiful women on dates" at that point Lauren glanced at me with an unsure expression..

"Lauren I'm kidding you're the first"  I said smiling as I lay a blanket onto the grass 

Lauren giggled a little before speaking

"For a minute I was beginning to think that you took all of your subjects here I feel special now knowing that I am your first" she exclaimed

I smirked at her reply "So yeah I thought that maybe we could do something boring like I've got this little evening meal planned and I figured maybe we could watch the sunset together  you know maybe that would be really boring for us to do.." I said sarcastically Lauren giggled I saw her blush she kinda gave it away with her face turning a light shade of red

"You have a way with words Miss y/l/n/" She stated as I helped her sit down

"Oh do I Miss Jauregui"  I attempted to be charming

"Mhm you do" she replied as she smiled at me god she was so beautiful

"So what do we have here?" She asked as her eyes curiously scanned the many plastic containers that held our goodies.

Well, I have made for us madam a delicious French dip wiz zee Au jus le piping hot , Fresh cut fruit,Le Chips and Le red wine to wash it down" i stated in a french accent Lauren laughed hearty as she realized that she was a bit loud she covered  her face with her hands I giggled as I opened the containers to reveal Chicken Salad Sandwiches,Fresh fruit,Chips Cookies and bottled water to wash it all down. "This looks amazing" she replied I picked up a half a sandwich and handed it to her 

"For you my lady" I said

"why thank you kind sir" she responded making me blush Lauren and I ate quietly and had cute small talk in between. When we were finished we sat and watched the sun as it began to set. the Evening air had become a bit chilly I glanced over and saw that Lauren was shaking a little so I removed my jacket and gently wrapped it around her.

"What about you?" she asked with furrowed brows

"Meh don't worry about me this air feels great"

Lauren sat quietly for a few minutes I could feel her eyes burning holes through my skull suddenly I felt her scoot close to me and lay her head on my shoulder. As with instinct I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her head I felt her let out a comfortable sigh before speaking

"You know I've always wanted to watch the sunset with Louis but, he never seems to have any time for me" She exclaimed as  her head lay on my shoulder

"If he never has time for you Lauren then why are you marrying him?" I asked  Lauren raised her head and stared at me for a minute "I'm sorry that's none of my business I shouldn't of asked you that"  I said as I looked away from her into the sunset as it sank lower and lower into the horizon "I'm marrying him because my parents want me to" she finally said

'"And do you always do what your parents tell you to do? do you not have a mind of your own Lauren you shouldn't let anyone tell you what's best for you nor who you should marry that's just not right you have a beautiful mind you can think for yourself and choose who you want to be with"  I exclaimed  

"It's not that easy" Lauren replied her stare still on me

Do you love him? he treats you like this never seems to have time for you,goes on trips for months on end never asking if you'd like to join him, he leaves you alone"

Lauren stared at me "I think you should take me home now" she said as she stood up and began walking towards the bike. without a word I packed the leftovers and strapped the basket to the back of the bike I gave Lauren her helmet and we took off.

We arrived at Lauren's Mansion about 35 minutes later during the entire ride we did not speak to one another we only rode in silence meanwhile I was wrestling with my feelings for Lauren but dared not let them manifest I suddenly began to think that maybe wanting to see her again was a mistake that maybe i'd gotten myself too deep to involved with her that I would not be able to get myself out of I  helped Lauren off of the bike and walked her to her door

"Thanks for the date it was really nice" she said as she stared at me

"Yeah no problem" I said before turning to walk away I didn't look back because I knew that if I did my heart would shatter into a thousand pieces I was falling in love with a soon to be married woman and that was not allowed but what could I do? nothing  except watch her marry some douchebag who paid no attention to her but it wasn't my place to say anything from the beginning my love for Lauren would always be just that Love it would never develop into anything more.. at least not in this lifetime.. or so I thought.

A/N Part 2 will be uploaded tomorrow I hope that you all like this Chapter :D


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