Turning Point (part two)

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A young woman wearing a white labcoat, her blonde hair tied back under a cap, paused in her work to watch the scene unfolding on her mini e-scroll, broadcast by the tiny camera she had hidden in the lab

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A young woman wearing a white labcoat, her blonde hair tied back under a cap, paused in her work to watch the scene unfolding on her mini e-scroll, broadcast by the tiny camera she had hidden in the lab. She held her breath as she waited for Chaucer's reply.

"I'll give you 24 hours to come to terms with my decision, but that's all. Now, you'll have to excuse me, I have work to do."

Her heart thudded. Only 24 hours! So little time! Hastily, she smoothed the anxious frown from her forehead, returned the e-scroll to her pocket and picked up the beaker she had been filling.

"Sorry I was late this morning, Dr Chaucer," she apologised as he entered the room. "There was another march and they closed off the whole of Oxford Street."

"Can't be helped, Meg," Chaucer replied, shortly. "I had a meeting, in any event. Now, let's get to work, we've wasted enough time today."


Michel and Cate fidgeted nervously in the dimly lit room as they waited for the third member of their team to arrive. It was rare for them all to gather in the same place these days but Margot had sent the m'aidez signal, their code for "emergency." A soft knock at the door had Michel on his feet. He peered cautiously through the spyhole before opening the door. A tall blond woman with a scarf over her head, hurried inside and they hugged briefly.

"What's the problem?" asked Cate, unable to wait any longer.

"They're closing down the time machine," answered Margot, or Meg, as Dr Chaucer knew her.

"What? You mean it doesn't work after all?" A rush of scalding disappointment flooded through Michel. All their planning. All their dreams.

"Oh it works all right. We don't know exactly what the last transit did, but he changed history. Seems it works too well and Chaucer has got cold feet. They're dismantling it—we have 24 hours."

"That's too soon!" The protest leapt from Cate's lips. "I'm not ready."

"I'm afraid it's now... or never," answered Margot, her tone flat.

Michel looked from one to the other. "It has to be tonight, doesn't it? We can't wait, not even until tomorrow."

Margot nodded. "You're right. If we're going to do it at all, we need to go now." She smiled wryly. "Cate, I think we're as ready as we need to be. It's not as if we have to pack! All we need is the micro-chip—and ourselves."

"But I wanted to say good-bye," blurted Cate.

The other two looked at her. Sadly.


Nervous fingers fumbled briefly with the key before fitting it into the lock and opening the heavy door. His blood was pounding so loudly in his ears he could hardly think. So close! Fear and excitement battled for supremacy as he hurried along the corridor to the laboratory where the TMD was kept. He didn't know what would happen, but he'd made up his mind. He was going to take the risk.

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