Chapter 12: In prison I mean detention

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In detention
Uni's POV

Me and Cory were standing outside the detention room as if we were waiting for something.

I can't believe I got me and Cory in trouble just because of a stupid note. Ugh whats wrong with me.

Cory: "Well I guess we're here"

I snap out of my thoughts and go back to reality.

Uni: "huh? Oh yeah I guess so"

Cory: "Can't we just skip this and go to our next class"

Uni: "No! Cory we are not rebels we are normal students"

Cory: "Is there a such thing as a normal student. Plus whats so wrong about being a rebel?"

Uni: "Cory don't you even hear yourself?!"

Cory: "Yes I do hear myself now can we go to our other class"

Uni: "No! We are going to detention whether you like it or not"

Cory: "Fine MOM"

I roll my eyes then drag him into the room.I can't believe Cory wants to become a rebel like Max. Can't he see that Max is no good? If he becomes rebel than he will try and make me one too. (Hehehe)

Cory: "Uni!"

Uni: "Huh what?"

Cory: "I've been trying to get your attention for a while"

Uni: "Oh sorry" * smiles nervously and scratches the back of his neck*

Detention teacher: "Just sit down and think about what you've done"

Me and Cory sat in the back where no rebels were sitting. I was kind of curious of why Max wasn't here if he's a so called rebel. You know what he's probably just lying so he can try and be cool. (He's not actually lying though *evil laughs* *coughs* ok back to the story and I'll try to stop breaking the fourth wall in this chapter).

Cory: "Hey Uni want to do something while we wait?"

Uni: "But what about the teacher"

Cory: "I don't think we will have to worry about that" *points to the sleeping teacher* (classic teacher)

Uni: "Oh well I guess we can do something. So what do you want to do Cory?"

Cory: "Hmm...*gasps* can we wright on the teachers face?!"

Uni: "No! Cory we are not like these people we are in here by accident not on purpose"

????: *walks towards Cory and Uni* "Well look what we have here fella's. We got us a couple of newbies here"

????: "What do you wanna do with them Dark. (Darkiplier or Dark for short. He is the brother of markiplier in this story. He is not murderous in this story. Dark also can change his eyes to normal eyes and his regular Darkiplier eyes )

 Dark also can change his eyes to normal eyes and his regular Darkiplier eyes )

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Rebels are different in a good way #ShelaxWhere stories live. Discover now