Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Marinas pov

I woke up and was ready. I was going to kill them. all of them... every single Career left. so kill everyone left there's only 4 left including me so it would be easy. I am going to kill them all even if it costs my own life. I got my bow and arrows and put them around my shoulder, put some knifes in the coat and had my trident out and ready. let's do this. I walked out and started to track them down.after about an hour, there was an anounsment.
"You all need something. you ether know it or you dont. at corn there will be a fest. good luck." it said and I knew what I had to do. I walked to corn and hide in the bushes. I sat there for a while then saw someone. it was that girl from district 1, perfect. I grab my bow and arrows and focused on her. once I was satisfied on my aim I let go and the arrow went flying into the air going straight into her heart. a cannon sounded telling me she was dead. perfect 1 down 2 to go. then it started to get dark. what?! why is it getting dark out? Confused I sat there looking around at the my surroundings. then I heard a scream and a cannon. It was a girl scream too. it must have been the girl from 2 unless Carson has a extremely girly scream, but I don't think so. I quickly run to corn and get on the building just in case. then I see Carson running with a.. what is that?! It's like a dog and a cat combined. It had a dog like head with a cat tail/body and it has raiser sharp teeth. I see Carson climb up and I have my bow out and ready.
"You killed my friends... now I must kill you" I spat and he turned around at me.
"Ohh marina. your still alive." he said pulling out a spear.
"Take one step and you get a arrow to the head" I said and he stepped forward.
"Take your best shot" he yelled running at me. I shoot the arrow and it hits him in the shoulder not stopping him from tackling me and smashing my head on the metal building.
"If I'm going down... your coming with me!" he yelled and I stabbed him in the heart making the cannon go and suddenly the last thing I heard was
"We have the victor of the 66th annual hunger games! marina calto from district 4!" And with that I fell with Carson hitting my head on a bunch of things
"This is for you barly, acrtion, Lilly, I will never forget you. and finnick I did this for us" I some how managed to say before I blacked out.


A/n she won!! How do you like it? what do you think is going to happen next..... I gave you a hint with the "I will never forget you" thing. but you got to think about it. Tell me in the comments and if you want to talk then don't be shy! I love to talk =) bye!

I need you like, the ocean needs water. (Finnick odair) *completed*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu