Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Why me?!

Marinas pov

We ran to the scream to see acrtion laying on the ground motionless.
"acrtion!" I yelled running to her side
"Marina.... I- I'm not going to make it" she said
"no, acrtion don't think like that" I said
"Marina... please... just.. let me go. I need to be with Lucas" she said. Lucas was that boy from her district that died in the games.
"acrtion.." I sighed tears building up in my eyes.
"Marina. thank you for everyt-thing" she said as her body got limp and a cannon sounded telling us that she died. I shut her eyes and laid her softly on the ground crying a little.
"Hello there marina" I hear a sickening voice said behind me.
"What carson" I spat standing in my feet.
"Marina.... run" I heard barley say. I quickly turned around and saw Carson holding a knife to barlys neck.
"BARLY!" I yelled
"Shut up or he gets it!" Carson said. it went quiet until someone throw a knife that hit my arm.
"Ahh!" I screamed in pain and I saw Carson slit barlys throat.
"BARLY!" I screamed. and turned around throwing my trident at the guy from 1 that threw the knife hearing a canon I looked back to barly to see Carson running away.
"Barly.... I'm so sorry" I said
"Marina. it's ok. we all know I was going to die. please do this one thing for me." barly said
"Anything" I stated.
"Win" was all barly said and a cannon went off. that's it. I grabbed the bow and arrows and got my trident and ran to the cave. once I got there I fell on the cave floor and started to cry.
"Why me?! why them! I'm so sorry" I yelled throwing stuff all around the place trashing everything that was there. then I looked at my arm. with all this happening I didn't even notice the knife still in my arm. I pulled it out and regretted it. it started to bleed like crazy. I ripped a piece of the blanket and soaked it in the water and tying it on my arm right forearm where the knife was.
"Please... just.... kill me... Finnick if you hear me... please ..... give me something... anything!" I said putting my head in my knees. then I heard some beeping noises. I looked out the cave and saw a gray jar parachute on the green grass just in front of the cave. I grabbed it and brought it in the cave with me. I opened it and read the note.

I'm sorry... your doing great...please live.... I love you.
- F

"Love you too" I whispered and looked in the jar and saw some healing cream. I quickly washed off my cuts and put the cream on them. feeling satisfied I laid back down and somehow fell asleep.


A/n another sad chapter.... I'm sorry...... comment if you have anything you want to say! bye!

I need you like, the ocean needs water. (Finnick odair) *completed*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें