Scarlet Curse: Chapter 5: A Love Undetermined

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Have you ever been stuck in that state where nothing seems to make sense and you aren't even sure right from wrong? Life has been dragging me around just like that recently. No matter how much I try not to think about it, no matter how much I disagree with myself, the thought of me loving Ethan as well as Elomnik just won’t sit right in my mind. I cannot accept it yet I cannot deny it. Each and every time he enters my thoughts, my heart starts pounding and I feel like I’m spinning, everything starts going blurry. Maybe I don’t love him, maybe it’s just lust.

I sat there on my bed, leaning against my pillow with the necklace clutched in my hand and quietly let out a whisper, “It’s just lust.”

“Is it just lust?” Someone said.

My eyes widened and it felt like I stopped breathing at that moment. “Ethan!”

“But you’re…”

“Tell me, is it just lust you feel for him, Scarlet?” Ethan said quietly, not moving an inch.

“Wha-what are you talking about, of course…But nevermind that, are you really here? Ethan?” I answered anxiously.

“Scarlet, you betrayed us. Is it because you have this… lust for that man?” He said, still not moving an inch

I got up as quickly as possible, running towards him, reaching my arms around him, “I didn’t mean t-“ and I fell to my knees as he disappeared as quickly as he had risen. My head slightly lowered and again I was in a state where I did not know which choice to make. If I brought back the others, would they really forgive me? It seems like just yesterday that everything happened.

“Oh my Darling, the decision is easy, it’s not just lust, you love me,” Elomnik appeared in front of me.

“That’s why you betrayed us,” Ethan appeared again.

“That’s right, you betrayed them because your love for me is stronger than anything in this world,” Elomnik said with a feeling of power in his voice.

“Scarlet, how could you?” Ethan’s voice lowered in disappointment and hurt.

My head felt like it was spinning. I quickly raised my hands to my ears and bent down, my forehead touching against the cold floor and I just screamed. After what seemed like forever, I fell to my side and it was quiet again, now it was just me, lying there on the floor as cold as ice. Slowly I got up and walked out from my apartment, straight outside. I walked and I walked for hours until I came to a cliff just on the outskirts of the town.

Slowly my feet stepped towards the edge and everything went through my head once again. So many questions rose from their grave. Why was I the one to have to make the decision? What if Ethan and my family actually hate me for what happened, for betraying them? I stared down at the waves crashing against the rocks. What exactly was it that I even wanted?

I once again clenched the necklace in my hand, angry now. Without a thought I ripped it off, throwing it as far as I could into the ocean. And that’s when the thought had crossed my mind, “the dead should stay dead.”

After staring at the necklace and watching it sink deep into the water, I turned and ran, but not towards the town, not towards my apartment, not towards any destination in specific, but towards a person. I ran and ran towards wherever Elomnik might be.


I found Elomnik in an abandoned library a couple hours from where I had been not too long ago. He was waiting for me and I felt it.

“You finally know what you want now?” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Well, I can’t deny someone who is a part of me now can I?”  I said, walking towards him.

He held out his hand to me and slowly I reached out for it. This was the choice I had to make because all other choices just seemed unreasonable. It is easier to live a life of regret than a life of pain. And if I knew my family would never forgive me… I couldn’t live with it.

“Scarlet, I want you,” Elomnik whispered in my ear as he pulled me closer to him.

“I’m all yours,” I whispered back.

Slowly his hands caressed my body; everywhere he touched turned hot and felt like it was burning. It felt good. My arms reached over his shoulders, my hands ran threw his hair as he laid me down on the desk of the abandoned library. It was cold against my bare skin. I could feel him envelop me in his lust in which I yearned for.

He kissed my neck as his hands moved down my body to my thigh. “Scarlet, you’re mine now; no longer Ethan’s.”

My heart skipped a beat as he mentioned Ethan’s name but all I did was reassure myself that I made the right choice, I loved Elomnik and my lust for him was strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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