Chapter Three

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Ashley's POV *next day*
Me and Kendall have to go to New York for a fashion show and stay for two weeks. Of course, she decided to bring her sister and all of her friends. I don't know if she did it to piss me off or just loves her sister so much that she has to go everywhere with her. So I decided to bring my very good friend Chantel Jefferies.

Me, her, Kendall, Kylie, Stas, Jordyn, Hailey and Harry, walked into the airport hand in hand

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Me, her, Kendall, Kylie, Stas, Jordyn, Hailey and Harry, walked into the airport hand in hand. The paparazzi followed us, throwing out question after question. I ignored the dumb ass questions about my relationship with Ariana Grande and kept walking. We finally made it to where we rounded the corner and went outside.

"Nice." Kendall nudged me, smiling at my jet. "Thanks. Got it for my birthday from my aunt." I said. The pilot greeted all of us, before we boarded the jet. I sat down and Chantel sat right on my lap. She took out her phone, taking maybe about one thousand selfies. "Why though?" I asked, watching her delete most of them. She didn't answer and posted one on Instagram.

I noticed Kylie looking at me, but she quickly looked away. I felt the plane lift off, making me relax more and more. "So how are you Chantel? I haven't seen you in months." Kylie smiled. "I'm fine. Me and Ash have been kickin it for some time now. I'm still waiting to take that title." Chantel said, kissing my cheek. "Oh wow, I didn't know you were a lesbian." Kylie smirked. "Actually, I'm still figuring it out. Ash is the first girl I've been with." "Oh wow. Going from the most famous pop star to the most famous model and you're suddenly figuring out your sexuality." Kylie snapped. Chantel pushed her self off my lap, looking at Kylie. "Why does every body think I'm always on the hunt for money!?" "I didn't say you were." Kylie said. "You didn't say it, you insinuated it though." "Fine, I'll say it. You're a fucking gold digger, Chantel! Everybody knows it!" Kylie exclaimed. "I'm a gold digger!? Wow, Kylie, you're insulting your own boyfriend, you thirsty sugar mama!" "Oh shit." I mumbled, trying not to smile. "Fuck you!" Kylie snapped. "Fuck you too! Ugh, why did you even invite me!? You probably knew she was gonna be a big bitch with fake ass lips!" Chantel hit my arm. I pressed my lips together, desperately trying not to laugh. Chantel groaned, taking out her blanket and covering herself. "Fuck! Am I not getting any tonight!?" I pouted. "Hell no!" Chantel replied. I looked around and everyone seemed speechless, except for Kylie who smirked with victory. "Kylie, can I talk to you?" I asked. She nodded and followed me to the back room.

I closed the door behind her. "What the hell was that?" I said, watching her lay down on the bed. "What was what?" She said, playing innocent. "You called Chantel a gold digger out of nowhere. Why?" "It's not a big deal, everyone knows she is." "Jesus, Kylie. You see what you did? I'm not getting any tonight, nothing. And while she's staying with me, I can't even bring anyone home!" I groaned. "Is that all you care about? Sex? Is that it? I'm sorry that you can't have Chantel's crusty ass pussy, too bad so sad." Kylie spat. I rolled my eyes, then smirked. I dropped to my knees beside the bed, looking at her. "If I'm not getting any from her, maybe you should consider..." I ran my hand up and down her thigh, watching her blush. "You're nasty, Kylie." I laughed, walking out of the room.


We arrived in New York four hours later everyone dragging out their bags while I walked with nothing. We're all going to be staying at my penthouse for two weeks. We walked through the airport, avoiding most of the paparazzi. I had called my friend before I left LA to leave my car in the airport garage and thankfully, he came through. "Pile in, guys." While I got in the drivers seat and Kylie got in the passengers. The rest somehow worked it out in the back and Harry sat in the trunk. I began drive to my apartment.


We arrived to my apartment in thirty minutes tops. The elevator opened, revealing my place in NYC. "Damn, you're Rollin'." Hailey smiled, laying on the couch. "This is nice,
Ashley, very impressive." Harry said. I showed them their rooms, Chantel and Me sharing, Kendall and Kylie sharing, Stas and Jordyn sharing and Hailey and Harry sharing. "Okay, boy! I don't want any, and I mean any! Funny business around my virgin daughter, you hear!?" I couldn't resist the urge to smile, as I scolded Harry for sharing a room with Hailey. "Shut up." He blushed, pushing me. "You and Chantel are sharing, I'm not surprised, thought she would be on the couch." Kylie smirked. Chantel scoffed, walking into the master bedroom. "Kylie, can you ever just shut up." I snapped. She rolled her eyes, slamming her room door behind her. "This is gonna be a long two weeks." I mumbled, going into my room.


Was this long? School is making me mad.

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