Rainy days | Robert Lewandowski

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"Robert, wake up." Natalie mumbled, while she slightly shook her boyfriend's arm, but he kept his eyes closed and just hummed something. "I'm bored, Lewandowski." She said and continued to shake his arm. "And I'm tired." Robert murmured after a while, still not opening his eyes. "Let's do something." Natalie exclaimed, completely ignoring her boyfriend's words. The footballer exhaled loudly before taking his phone from the bedside table and checking the time. "It's 7 a.m., baby and it's my free day today. I want to sleep." He said and yawned before looking at his girlfriend, still being absolutely tired. The look on Robert's face made Natalie giggle slightly as she placed her head on his chest. "C'mon, Robert." She said after a while and got out of the bed after pressing her lips to his softly.
Groaning, the footballer rolled out of the bed and took his girlfriend's hand to calm her down a bit, since she was a bit too excited for this time. "Why are you so excited? Normally you always sleep till the afternoon." Robert asked and looked into her eyes, searching for any hint why she was acting so strange today. "Let's have some fun now." She just replied and turned away from Robert to run into the living room. "Wait, love." He said and quickly followed her as she was about to walk into their garden. "It's raining." He said, but she just took his hand and guided him outside into the pouring rain. Giggling, Natalie wrapped her arms around his neck and looked up at the dark sky, while the rain was pouring down on them.
"I love you." Robert whispered after a while of silence and placed one of his hands on his girlfriend's cheek before softly kissing her. "You're unbelievable." He mumbled as they broke apart, making her smile at him before she took his hand again and pulled him back inside with her. "Fifa?" She asked and looked at him with a challenging look. "Don't you want to put on some dry clothes first, baby?" Robert said, making his girlfriend roll her eyes. "You're just afraid." She answered and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Of course." He replied sarcastically before taking the controller and switching their PlayStation on. "Prepare yourself to lose, Lewandowski." She stated as she chose to play with Dortmund and her boyfriend picked Bayern. "You'll see that you haven't got a chance." He replied and they started the game. Natalie scored almost immediately, making Robert groan slightly and give his best to win, but in the end Natalie won 3-1 and right after the game ended she jumped off the couch. "Told you." She stated, but Robert shook his head with an amused look. "I let you win." He said, making her chuckle. "Why do all boys say the same when the loose against girls?" She asked, punching Robert playfully. "Rematch?" He asked and raised his eyebrows as Natalie shook her head.
"I'm hungry." She exclaimed before running off into the kitchen. Chuckling, the footballer followed her and leaned against the counter, while he watched Natalie search for something to eat. "Can you make some waffles, Robert?" She asked and looked at him with a sweet smile, which he couldn't resist. "Alright." He said and started to make waffles for his girlfriend, who was a bit too excited today. "Thank you." She replied before kissing his cheek and going back into the living room to lay down onto the couch. "The waffles are ready." Robert said after a while and came back into the room with a plate of waffles. "Danke, Robert." She said as he placed them in front of her before sitting down beside her. "Can you tell me why you're acting like this now?" He asked and watched her eating the waffles. "I'm acting normal." She just replied and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just happy." She added, making Robert smile brightly. "I love it when you're happy." He stated and pulled her into his arms before kissing her softly. "I'm so lucky to have you." He said, making her giggle slightly. "Why are you so sweet today?" She asked and raised her eyebrows. "I thought I'm always sweet." He replied, pouting. "Of course, you are." Natalie said and ran a hand through his hair. "Ich liebe dich." She whispered and softly placed her lips on his. "Ja też Cię kocham."

This is for @addictiedToYou
I really hope you like it (:

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