The Park

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Kousei's POV

"KOUSEI WAKE UP IT'S ALREADY 11:00 AM!!" Kousei opened his eyes slightly to see Kaori dressed for the day standing above him. He slowly sat up and groaned at the amount of effort it took him. He saw her handing him something and realized it was his glasses. Kousei put them on and saw everything a bit more clearly than he had but it was still pretty blurry due to lack of sleep."What time did you go to sleep?!?" She further questioned him. "Ummm..." He took a moment to think. What time had he gone to sleep last night? "I think sometime around 4:00 am?" He replied with some uncertainty."Well no wonder you slept so late, but you have to get up now! I was going to ask Tsubaki and Watari if they wanted to go to the park with us today." she said. "Oh yeah I suppose." He said in response to Kaori as he threw both legs over the side of the bed. "Oh course you suppose! You're going whether you like it or not, it's your fault that you went to bed so late!"


Kousei stumbled through the park, almost zombie like as Kaori pulled him along, pointing out all the pretty ice formations. Tsubaki and Watari walked beside them. Even with his blurry vision, Kousei saw that Tsubaki was unusually quiet. Whenever Kaori or Watari asked her a question she would just nod her head or mumble through her scarf which she had positioned over her mouth. Kousei fell back to walk with her. "Is something wrong?" He asked. She looked at him, seemingly surprised. "What?! Why would you think that??!" She said. "Oh, you just seemed a little quiet is all." He replied, a but suspicious. But he wasn't going to question her any further. If she didn't want to talk about whatever was bothering her, he would respect that. He saw that Kaori had fallen back with them as well, and soon Watari had too so he wasn't awkwardly in front of everybody.

A/N- So hi everybody! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever. This is a part that I had been working on however I don't have wifi at the moment and I don't want to use all my data so I haven't been able to add to it. I'm going to write a part two as soon as I have wifi again.

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