Deceasedtale!Sans x reader~Only Sane One

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-Time skip brought to you by a lazy author-

Toriel had brought you to her house. The place reeked of a strange odor, which smelled like blood. She had asked you if you wanted something to eat, you declined, having a feeling it would have blood in it.

Now, you were sitting in a small children's room. It was a dark blue color, in fact, there was only blue. Blue toys, blue sheets, blue walls, even a blue floor! You eventually left the room, walking into a hallway.

Toriel was in the kitchen, humming a small tune. You looked to your right and saw a staircase. Your curiosity took over as you slowly headed down the stairs.

As you headed down the stairs and into another hallway, you heard Toriel's humming stop. That made you run down the hall until you eventually came across two doors.

"Y/n!! Where are you going?!" you heard Toriel hiss close behind you. Without hesitation, you pushed open the big doors and quickly shut them behind you. You heard banging on the doors as you blocked them from opening.

"Please. . . .please don't leave me alone. . . ." Toriel's voice was sad, not insane, as her banging soon stopped.

"Please, my child, come back to The Ruins. . .or ASGORE will get you. . ." Toriel was pleading for you to come back. You didn't trust her at all, so you slowly went away from the doors.

The cold wind blew on you as you walked down the snowy path. You had a feeling of being watched, and you hoped it wasn't another insane monster.

A barricade was up ahead, and you speeded up a bit. When you ended up at the barricade, you glanced around, before beginning to head across it.

"Wait. . . ." a voice stopped you from walking across. You slowly turned around, seeing a skeleton. The skeleton wore a gray hoodie, light gray pants that were torn up, and black shoes. His hood was up, and there was a crack over one eye socket. His eyes were red, and red years were running down his face. A tear in his hoodie showed his ribs, and they seemed to be bleeding. The left sleeve of his hoodie was torn, and bandages were rapped around his arm.

"Don't walk across that. . . .you would regret doing that. . ." he warned. You glanced behind yourself, then back at him.

"Why would I regret it?" you asked him. The skeleton looked towards the side.

"My brother. . .he's just as insane as the others. . .he could kill you in an instant." he answered.

"Anyways. . .my name is Sans, but people call me Departed. . . .I don't know why. . . ." he sighed.

"My name is Y/n." you told him with a slight smile. That smile was for knowing the fact that at least one person here was sane.

"Hey. . . Maybe I should come with you, then you wouldn't need to stand here. . .with me. . ." Departed gave off a shy chuckle. You shrugged, it would be nice to have more protection.

"Alright, let's go!" you turned back around and headed across the barricade. Departed followed, rubbing his bandaged arm.

"HEY, SAAANS!" a loud voice called in the distance. You tensed up, as you stopped walking and stared. Departed walked next to you and his gaze went to a giant snow mound.

"Quick! Hide over there!" Departed pointing towards it, seeming a bit worried. You saw a figure in the distance and quickly nodded, dashing over to the mound, ducking behind it. You peeked over the mound.

"ANY HUMANS? HAHAHA!" the figure was now seen. It was a tall skeleton, wearing gray armor and dark red boots. The skeleton's eyes were also red.

"No, I didn't see any, Papyrus. . ." Departed lied, his gaze flashing over to you. Papyrus laughed slightly.


Why would a he hurt his brother that badly? you asked yourself, before remembering Departed saying Papyrus was insane.

"Yes, I remember that. . ." Departed sighed, looking towards the floor.

After a short conversation, Papyrus left. Departed stood still for a moment, before looking towards you.

"You can come out now. . ." he told you. You came out from hiding and walked over to him. Departed put his hands in his pockets and started to head down the road, you followed.

"So. . .your brother gave you those?" you asked, lightly touching his bandaged arm. Departed flinched as you did so and nodded.

"Yeah, he did. . ."

-Another time skip, because laziness-

You had arrived in a small town called Snowdin. It was dark, and didn't seem too cozy. Monsters that were outside of their homes stared at you and Departed with creepy expressions. One, named Monster Kid, actually came up to you and tried to bite you. Departed had moved you out of the way and slightly glared at Monster Kid.

"Let's go to my house. . . ." Departed glanced towards a home that seemed less destroyed and more cared for.

"It's safer there anyways. . . ." he added. Departed started to walk towards the wooden home, and you followed him.

When you both got to the house, he opened the door for you. You smiled at him and walked inside, Departed followed and closed the door behind him.

The house was more destroyed on the inside than on the outside. You glanced around, the wallpaper was torn, paper was thrown around on the ground, a table was knocked over, and a lamp was smashed.

"Sorry for the mess," Departed apologized, "my brother tends to get a bit crazy, and trash things. . ." You nodded, understanding.

"You can. . .make yourself at home. . ." Departed glanced out the window, "Besides, I want to protect you from the Royal Guard. . ."

Sitting down on the couch, you looked over at Departed.

"Can I ask why you care for me so much? And why do you seem to be the only sane one here?" you questioned him.

". . . To answer your first question, I care because. . .well. . .you're the nicest human that fell down here. . .I don't know how to answer your second question." Departed walked over and sat next to you. You looked at the T.V. which was surprisingly in good shape.

". . .Do you think anything good is on?" you looked at Departed again. He shrugged and stayed silent. Already it started to get awkward. You sighed as you looked away, twiddling your thumbs.

"Can. . .can I do something?" you once again glanced at him. Departed looked back at you and tilted his head a bit.

"Depends. . .does it have to do with harming anyone?" he asked. You chuckled and shook your head, getting closer to Departed.

"I'd never harm anyone! Now, can I do something or not?"

"S. . .sure?" Departed seemed confused. You leaned towards him and gave him a kiss. His eye-sockets 'widened' as a dark red blush spread across his skull. Eventually, you pulled away with a light smile and a blush of your own.

"U-uh. . .um. . ." Departed stuttered.

"I'm sorry, was that a bit too soon?" you laughed a bit. Departed shook his head a bit, and you hugged him.

"Heh. . .I love you. . ." you continued to hug him.

"I-I guess. . .I l-love you too. . ."



Wow, I stayed up until pass 1:00 AM to write this for you guys -3-

Even if it's my AU. . .

And no one requested it. . .

And yeah, the ending was a bit rushed. . . .

Anyways, I need my sleep now. . .


Word count: 1,833

Undertale x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ