Showing and Telling

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"They really want us to be healthy, huh?" I asked Juniper, gesturing to my plate. She nodded.

"The King and Queen along with all of the more experienced people here want everyone to have a balanced diet so you can have full strength and energy when you use your powers. We can tire easily depending on the kind of techniques we use with our powers or other weapons. And, of course, if we ever have an attack from Terra Osores again then everyone will be able to help in battle," She explained between bites.

"Well, that's nice of them," Nico commented. We continued eating in the breeze.

"Have you guys seen all of Terra Arbor?" Juniper asked Izzy and Nico.

"Not all of it. When we were facing the place with the fountain, which is cool I must say, we only entered the King and Queen's hall, the Academy hall and the Neighborhood hall," Nico shook his head.

"Then that's what we're gonna do today,"

"Hey, Juniper. Just a thought: where do all the Fairies live?" I asked, curious.

"In the Garden," I must've gave her a confused look because she laughed. "But they fly a little over the trees to a secret place that only they can access. Anyone who wants to get there, can't. It's a straight mile into very thick and tall trees in a dense forest. In the Garden, it starts out normal but then the height and thickness of the trees change. That's why all the trees are different. So people won't know which direction to go and so they won't be able to get to the homes if they know the direction. Although, the Fairies are smart anyway. They head the wrong way first so they can lead anyone off. Then head home. So no one knows where the exact location of their homes are except for the King and Queen,"

"Now that makes much more sense," I said as she nodded.

"Ready for the tour, Nico? Izzy?" She turned to the two in front of us. They nodded.

We got up and walked back inside to the Cafe and put the plates on the counter where the cooks would pick them up and clean them.

We headed out of the Academy's hall and to the fountain clearing.

Juniper knelt next to Izzy as we all faced the halls.

"Garden or Training Arena?" She asked her.

"Oh, so you don't want my opinion? I see how it is," Nico said, sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm with a smirk.

"Watch it, Sassy Pants. It's Izzy. She's a young girl. In a place affiliated with Magic," I reasoned. He rolled his eyes and smirked then looked down at Izzy who had put her best thinking face on.

"Garden!" She squealed. Juniper stood and we walked to the door on the far left and into the Garden.

"Whoa," were Izzy's and Nico's reactions.

"It's beautiful," Izzy grinned with glee.

"I agree," Nico nodded, looking around.

After they were finished gawking, we led them into the Training Arena.

When Izzy got an idea, I could see a legit lightbulb rise above her head and light up. She turned to Juniper.

"Can you show us your Magic?" She asked. Juniper looked around at the training pairs. "Please?" Izzy pleaded. Juniper smiled.

"Well, I haven't done a challenge in a long time. Why not?" She led us to a little clearing away from all the targets and weapon racks. The clearing was filled with kids of all ages. They were wielding swords, bows and Magic. Everything was a blur.

Juniper raised her hand straight up into the air.

Soon enough, someone high fived her. It was a girl about her age with a fierce look in her striking amber eyes.

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