Chapter Ninety-three:

Start from the beginning

Together, they hid from the swarm of teenaged girls for at least another hour or two, pressed up against one another in the cramped, dark closet. Normally, Hel would have been panicking in such a tiny enclosure; she hated feeling trapped. But somehow, with him, it wasn't so bad.

Later that night, Buffy returned from her confidential Slayer mission.

Dawn had been waiting by the front door, and when her older sister walked in, she swung a swift kick at her shin.

Buffy gaped at her, taken aback. "Ow."

"Dumbass." Dawn grumbled.

Buffy glanced over at Xander, who was seated at the dining room table with Anya, Giles, and Willow.

"Don't look at me." Xander deflected, "This a Summers' thing. It's all very violent."

Buffy stared sternly at Dawn. "If you get killed, I'm telling." On that childish note, she entered the dining room.

"Did you find out anything about the scythe?" Willow inquired.

"It slices, dices, and makes julienne preacher."

Giles looked stunned. "Caleb?"

"I cut him in half." Buffy replied matter-of-factly.

"Alright!" Willow exclaimed, beaming.

"He had that coming." Anya commented.

"Hey, party in my eye socket, and everyone's invited!" Xander blurted, grinning. His enthusiasm dimmed beneath their collective stares. "Sometimes I shouldn't say words."

Rolling her eyes, Hel turned to leave.

"Hel, wait."

This time, at Buffy's insistence, Hel paused.

"Give this to Spike." Tentatively taking Hel's hand, Buffy placed an object of considerable weight in her palm. It was a round crystal pendant, approximately two inches in diameter, in a silver starburst setting that hung from a coarse silver chain.

Hel's brow furrowed in confusion as she studied the amulet. "What is this? And where did you get it?"

"The translation isn't very clear, but what we do know is that it's a very powerful, possibly volatile, weapon. Supposedly, it bestows strength to the right person who wears it— someone with a soul who is stronger than human. A champion."

Hel's eyes snapped up to meet Buffy's. Rendered speechless by her sudden shift in attitude towards Spike, she could do nothing but gaze incredulously at Buffy for a moment longer, before turning on her heel and heading straight for the basement. Unable to tear her eyes away from the enchanting relic, she stood at the bottom of the steps in a daze. 

"What's that, then?" Inquired a familiar voice from nearby.

Hel lifted her head to discover Spike staring at her expectantly from his cot, pausing briefly to compose her thoughts before she spoke. "According to Buffy, it's a weapon. She said it was to be wielded by someone ensouled, but more than human."

He stood and took a few steps toward her. "Looks like an ordinary necklace to me."

"Don't let its appearance fool you. I've come across many a powerful piece of jewellery in my day."

He held out his open hand. "May I?"

"It's volatile. We don't know—"

"You'll be needing someone strong to bear it, then. You planning on giving it to Andrew?"

"Buffy said the amulet was meant to be worn by a champion."

He bowed his head in disappointment, and she took a step towards him. She reached for his hand, raising it up and setting the amulet in his palm. The corner of his mouth twitched, tempted to crack a smile. His eyes rose to meet hers. "Been called a lot of things in my time."

With a reassuring smile, she closed what remained of the gap between them. Hel's slender pale arms encircled his waist as she rested her cheek upon his chest, and Spike returned her embrace.

"I don't know what I would do without you." She whispered.

He didn't know how to respond to her confession of sentiment, and so, afraid of spoiling the moment, he remained silent. Longing for a break from the constant tension, they broke apart briefly and took to their cot for some much needed shut-eye.

Unfortunately, Spike was rudely awoken by a nightmare at around midday. As if seized by a sudden terror, he jolted violently beneath the covers. "I'm drowning in footwear!" He cried out, bolting upright. His brow furrowed as he awoke fully and became more alert of his surroundings. "Weird dream." He muttered to himself.

Laying back down and snuggling against Hel, Spike exhaled a soft sigh as the reassurance of her presence soothed his nerves. Within mere minutes, he was fast asleep once more.

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