Chapter Eight: Crimson Kara

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Khizar checked his lap, the seat and the floor but couldn't find the buttons. Her hold was quite wild tearing off two top buttons revealing his chest. He took his phone and clicked on Kabeer's message. A heavy burden weighed on him thinking about his parents' reaction to Amirah's proposal. Since they visited Mahnoor, they dug deep to find out their family history and didn't like what they learned. Khizar rang his mother on the landline hoping he could speak to her directly and try and convince her. But, Kabeer answered the phone.

"Is mum there?" Khizar turned to the left and saw Kara and her friend looking out of the window and staring at his car.

"She's praying." Kabeer replied.

A paused elapsed.

"Have you told her?" Kabeer said. "Mum is not happy with this proposal. You don't know the family well."
Khizar bowed his head. His parents' approval and their presence in the wedding was paramount. But so was Amirah's happiness; Ayaaz was her happiness. It was proving a test to strike a balance.

"Let me talk to mum. I'll talk her round."

"No, Khizar think about it rationally. I know Amirah is young and blind in love, but you should know better. The family have issues. The husband used to beat the wife, who knows once he leaves prison she might accept him back in her house. How would you feel your daughter living with a violent father in law?" Kabeer replied in an urgent done.

"She's divorced him Kabeer. It's her past." Khizar complained running his hand around the steering wheel.

"What about Ayaaz? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He will be like his dad. The family are unstable. Best you and Amirah stay away from them."

Khizar clutched the steering wheel tight. It was unfair that Mahnoor was being blamed for something that was out of her control. However he understood his parents' reservations; they loved and cared for Amirah and wanted best for her.

"Let me speak to mum, I'll talk her round."

"Once she finishes praying I'll get her to call you. But she will say the same. The sooner you speak to the boy's mum the better." Kabeer finalised.
Khizar cut the phone off and tilted his head back crushed with the response he received. Deep down he had a nagging feeling that Kabeer was right. He recalled the mark on Mahnoor's neck, it looked serious. Was it a strangulation mark? Did her ex husband try to kill her? If so, it would explain his stint in prison. But how could he explain to Mahnoor without offending and upsetting her?

Kara returned into the car waking Khizar from his troublesome thoughts. She carried a bag of perfumes and unclipped one spraying it on her wrist and pushing her wrist under Khizar's nose. He grumbled a reply and she sprayed it on his neck.
"Blimey! What does it have in there? Industrial strength bleach?" He choked back the strong pungent smell.

Throughout the drive Kara talked and Khizar listened about her beauty regime, parties and designer shoes. After the image she depicted, he expected to arrive at a mansion, or maybe an affluent area. Instead, he pulled outside a rundown council estate, and pressed the wipers to look up at the dark and dreary tower of flats.

"Well, come on-" She beckoned him. "Walk me to my door."

Reluctantly, he stepped out and took out his black umbrella from the car boot. Kara clutched onto his arm making their way her heels clicked as she walked on the uneven ground. When they arrived towards the tower black, Kara grabbed the umbrella and flicked off her sandals splashing through the puddles. Khizar stood in the downpour flummoxed with his hands in the air. Kara cast aside her umbrella and grabbed onto the lamppost, swinging round in circles like she was intoxicated in the rain.
"What is wrong with this girl?" He complained now his shirt clung onto the concave arc of his abdomen.
"You know what they say about the rainy season?" Kara called out.
Khizar grabbed his umbrella and safely stood under it. "It's wet?"
"It's the time for those in love, and people who are in love; love the rain." She danced around the lamppost.
"Come, join me!" She waved at him. 
"It's doesn't behove me."

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