Now, it was stupid of me to mention that.
I can't even remember where it is, even if I knew I wouldn't want to walk over there and seem like a creep. I even told myself this!
My stomach grumbled as I stared hungrily at all the restaurants surrounding the town. I grunted and walked over to the market. Surprisingly it was still open at 10 PM.
I shrugged and picked up my speed through the sliding doors. I walked down the aisle: Microwave Dinners
I pondered at the foodstuffs, my stomach grumbled again. "You seem hungry," I turned my view over to a man; his green hair stuck out like a sore thumb.
His height was short for someone who has lots of muscle. The Irish accent sounded adorable, I almost giggled at the thought.
His blue eyes shinned beneath the light. The man's hair looked like jelly; lime flavored. If I could, I would've totally taken a bite of his hair like it were jelly.
"Yeah. Just skimming through these."
"Here," he handed me a small rounded mint. A mint?
"It'll hold you over, sorry. I would give you something else but that's really all I have on me."
"No, no! You really didn't have to give this. It was very kind of you." I smiled, the man blinked a few times and then chuckled.
I stopped smiling and gave a confused stare. "My apologies?"
"Oh, no, I just realized you're American."
"Yeah, what's so bad about that?" I grinned mockingly.
"Nothing. Just nice to see tourists or visitors every once n' a while."
"Ah," I moved away from him since my loud stomach became embarrassing.
The mint began melting in my palm, hastily I popped it in my mouth. I started to feel a little better.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jack, I didn't mean to intrude on your 'small starvation,'" he chucked.
Jack, huh?
A/N: Please note that I will not make Jack sound Irish. For example, "Ya," "Fook," etc. He will sound 'normal;' this is only because I want people to understand what he's saying. Thank you!
"So, why are you visiting Ireland," Jack cocked his head to the side.
"Vacation. Nothing much," I shrugged; the mint rolling in my mouth. Jack hummed in response.
"Oh, silly me," I scratched the back of my neck. "Hmm?"
"I never introduced myself, did I? I'm Y/N."
"Y/N..." Jack repeated under his breath. I moved my eyes elsewhere as my cheeks gradually felt warmer.
The mint had now dissolved in my mouth, the leftover of it lingered in my breath.
"Is something the matter?" I asked watching Jack bite down on his plump lips. "Ah, no. I was just reminded of someone long ago," he nodded.
"Well, uhh, I'll let you get to your business. I mean— if you don't mind," Jack mumbled beneath his breath.
"Oh, not at all. We should chat again sometime," I hoped he would buy it. "Of course. See you around then?"
"Mhmm," I hummed happily again in response.
The man turned around and made his way to the cashier. Strangely, I felt a connection with him... I shook my head and looked back at the rectangular boxes, pushing my index finger against my lips.
Oh, what to buy, what to buy! What a hard decision...
It was a new day, a rainy one too. The rain poured and poured nonstop. I stared at the cars and people passing through. Some ran from each side of the streets and various vehicles splashed the puddles as they passed by.
I brought my rain boots and had the chance to use them. So, out I went into the storm.
As I moved slowly throughout the crowd, the sound of rain bounced off my raincoat reminded me of the old days.
I walked for ages without a care in the world. I managed to come down a road that seemed familiar, and followed its snake-like gravel path.
It brought me to two old cabins, with an old large tree beside it in the distance. I slowly made my way down to the tree. It's leaves glistened by the narrow rays of sunlight.
I listened to the crunching of grass below my shoes and the rain pouring against my raincoat.
I finally reached the tree, it was much bigger than I had expected.
Oh, what the hell.
I smiled and began to climb the old, tall tree.The tree, of course, was soggy. Tiny bits of bark stuck to my hand as I reached for another branch.
There was a certain long, wide branch, I pulled myself over it. Then carefully pushed myself up to sit on it.
I turned to see a beautiful sight before me. The rain had died down a little, so the leaves gave me shelter from the leftover drizzling.
I looked around it.
I noticed there were three small letters and a heart around them. I fixated my eyes on it until it read (the first letter of your name) Y/N x S
Y/N x S?
I wanted a closer look at the mark, so I moved towards it. Slowly, I stepped down but was terrified of dropping. I placed my foot over to a small branch.
I lost my footing and fell...
My eyes began to open little by little. I heard voices in the distance but couldn't make out much of what they were saying.
"Is she okay? Will she survive?"
"Sir, I'm not for sure."
"You've gotta do something! I can't just let a woman die before me! You're a doctor for God's sake. Do your damn job!"
I blanked out again.
Again, I woke up, looked around to get a better visual of where I was. It seemed like I was in one of the cabins that I passed by earlier. I looked down at myself and saw that I was covered in blankets with a cold rag on my forehead.
The door creaked open, I flinched and closed my eyes. There were a few footsteps coming towards me.
"I know you're awake, Y/N," a high-picked voice chuckled. I opened my eyes to see Jack.
"Jack?" I croaked.
"Bad time? Sorry."
"No, it's fine. What happened; do you live here?"
"I just saw you fell out of my old tree. That's all. Why did you come here?" He leaned in and narrowed his eyes, "Are you creeping on me?" He jokingly asked.
I immediately became uncomfortable, not noticing it was sarcasm. "I decided to walk around Athone, and I guess somehow ended up at your place...along with climbing the tree."
I sat up in the bed, trying to rub off my embarrassment.