Arabic Alphabets Part Two

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Zai/Zay/Zayn( ﺯ )
zai / zay / zayn sounds like ( z ) as in ( zip,
zoom, en z yme, zoo). Always zay is not connected Nor attached to any letter from the left.
Mawz ﻣﻮﺯ = bananas
Mawzah ﻣﻮﺯﺓ = banana
Mazrah ﻣﺰﺭﻋﺔ = farm
Zaytoon ﺯﻳﺘﻮﻥ = olive

Seen( ﺱ )
seen sounds like ( s , c ) as in ( seeds,sand,solar,cedar, circle, cycle )
Jaras ﺟﺮﺱ = bell
Shams ﺷﻤﺲ = sun
Jisr ﺟﺴﺮ = bridge
Samak ﺳﻤﻚ = fish

Sheen( ﺵ )
sheen sounds like ( sh , tio , ch ) as in ( show, nation, sharp, she, flash, chef ).
Khofash ﺧﻔﺎﺵ = pat
Reesh ﺭﻳﺶ = feathers
Mashroua ﻣﺸﺮﻭﻉ = project
Sharea ﺷﺎﺭﻉ = street

Saad( ﺹ )
saad sounds like ( s , c ) same rules of ﺱ applied
here with a little stress/accent or amplifier makes
sound pronounced stronger.
Akfass ﺃﻗﻔﺎﺹ = cages
Kafass ﻗﻔﺺ = cage
Aseer ﻋﺼﻴﺮ = juice
Sabah ﺻﺒﺎﺡ = morning

Daad( ﺽ )
Daad ( strong accent sound maybe close to D sound ),
this letter is unique in Arabic and has no similar letters in any
language.The Arabic linguistics scholars call the Arabic
Language : the language of this letter ﺽ because it is/it's
Maradh ﻣﺮﺽ = sickness
Mareedh ﻣﺮﻳﺾ = patient
Akhdar ﺃﺧﻀﺮ = green
Thefdah ﺿﻔﺪﻉ = frog

Ta'a( ﻁ )
ta'a sounds like ( t ) approximately ﺕ with a fat/
strong pronunciation.
Khoyot ﺧﻴﻮﻁ = threads
Khayt ﺧﻴﻂ = thread
Mattar ﻣﻄﺮ = rain
Tareek ﻃﺮﻳﻖ = road

Tha'a( ﻅ )
tha'a sounds like ( tha ) approximately close to (ﺫ ) thall letter.
Mahthoth ﻣﺤﻈﻮﻅ = lucky
Hath ﺣﻆ = luck
Methallah ﻣﻈﻠﺔ = umbrella
Tharf ﻇﺮﻑ = envelope

Ayn/Ain( ﻉ )
ayn/ain sounds like these vowels ( a, e, i, o, u, ei, ea, ou ) approximately.
Thefdaa ﺿﻔﺪﻉ = frog
Rabie ﺭﺑﻴﻊ = spring
Shaar ﺷﻌﺮ = hair
Ayn ﻋﻴﻦ= eye

Ghayn/Ghain( ﻍ )
ghayn/ghain sounds like ( gh ) approximately as
in ( ghost ).
Fareagh ﻓﺎﺭﻍ = empty
Samgh ﺻﻤﻎ = glue
Babghaa ﺑﺒﻐﺎﺀ = parrot
Ghazal ﻏﺰﺍﻝ = gazellchapter
Please let me know if there is any error in this chapter.

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