Drive home ....or ?

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I wasnt too in to the whole thing, but Kate was already at home. She chugged down about 3 beers, i cant wait to explain this to my mom.

"What is a girl like you doing with a girl like my sister?" Blake asked.

I was confused at his question, i wasn't good enough for his sister?

"what type of question is that?" i asked him, not looking away from my intoxicated friend.

"She's just a long the lines of a whore, you seem different"

"I see who's not winning brother of the year" i laughed.

"HA..HA" he laughed sarcastically "it's true and you can tell a mile away,you know it's true Jae"

I loved the way he said my name, it almost drove me crazy but i tried not to let it get to me too bad.

"Jae!" Trisha yelled as she waved me over "look at this" She pointed to the T.V. when i walked over Shiri was on, dancing in a music video "Told you she was a skank"

"that was when i was young and stupid" shiri whined climbing in to Blake's lap.

"So yesterday?" I spat out. The room was quiet and i waited for the name calling to begin, but they all laughed.

"Good one" Jordan clapped

"Oh whatever Jae" she laid in to Blake's chest

"Want alittle?" Mike pushed on my arm and pointed to the white rows on the table, cocaine.

"No, i'll stick to my cigarettes" I quickly lit one, my stress levels were through the roof, what did i get myself in to?

"cancer sticks" Blake stated as he snorted some of the cocaine.

"Oh and i suppose coke is better?" i spat back fast "Blake please"

He smiled at me as he wiped away the white dust below his nose.

"Kate were leaving" I stood "Trisha ill see you."

"You sure?" She asked, she sounded worried.

"I forgot..... i needed to help my mom finish unpacking" i made up a quick excuse.

"I'll drive you"

"i can take a cap" I grabbed Kate off the lap of Ron and headed outside.

"But that boy was sweet" Kate spoke close to my face you could smell the alcohol on her breathe.

"Look ill drive you around awhile until she sobers up alittle, i doubt you wanna take this dumb bitch back like that" Blake laughed walking to his car.

"Hey!" I helped Kate climb in to the back of the truck and i closed the door behind her.

"that was rude" i whispered as i got in to the car.

"Nobody said i was nice"

"Obviously if your giving us a ride" I said quietly again.

"What was that?" he leaned in closer to me, his mouth hovering over my lips.

"you wish i would kiss you dont you?" he laughed hysterically "too bad im taken by a queen"

"A ratchet hoe" i spoke under my breathe.


"Nothing" i closed my eyes, wishing i was gone from this situation.

He pulled out of the driveway and on to the road.

"Do you want me to blow your stick" Kate pushed herself in to the front seat.

"As inviting as that sounds, no thank you" Blake smushed her back and she grunted in frustation.

Soon Blake stopped in front of park,kate was sleep and he turned to me.


"Hmmm?" I looked over at him and his nose was bleeding "Blake your nose!" I yelled

"what?" he touched around his nose and he detected the blood.

I quickly shuffled and looked around in the glove compartment and i found a wendys' napkin and helped him clean up his nose.

We were close, but i tried to ignore it i could feel his breathe on my lips.

"kiss me!" i yelled and he did as i said, he laid his soft lips on mine, his tongue parted my lips and then danced its way in to my mouth. I felt his hand moving my straps down to expose my bra.

"There so big" he spoke and began sucking on my nipples, a light moan escaped my lips.

"you like that dont you?" he moved his hand up my dress he moved slowly, teasing me.

"Jae, Jae!" Blake yelled as he held a tissue to his nose "you okay?"

I fell back in to my seat, i just imagined i was about to fuck Blake.......God help me.

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