What Have I Done? (2p China x reader)

Start from the beginning

Your hair seemed to lose its shine as your skin was deathly pale.  Zao felt his heart ache at the sight of tubes and wires connected to your body, you chest barely rising.  Zao squeezed your hand.

'If only she would wake up... I would make sure that this never happened again...'  Zao thought, his eyes drooping before he felt movement.

Zao sat up and watched as you shifted in your sleep.  Zao bit his lip and held his breath as your eyes twitched and slowly fluttered open.  After blinking a few times, you spoke.

"... where... am I...?"  You questioned weakly in a hoarse voice.  Zao hugged you close, carefully of all the tubes and wires.

"Oh kitten,"  Zao said, holding you as tightly as he could.  You slowly turned your head, burying it in Zao's shoulder.

"Zao...?  What... what happened?"  You asked.  Zao pulled away and looked at you with a shocked look.

"You... you don't remember kitten?"  Zao asked, sounding astonished.  You shook your head.

"Not really... just red..."  You said softly, your voice hurting.  Zao nodded and hugged you again.

'All that blood loss must've messed with her memory... which means... I might've been given a second chance.'  Zao thought happily to himself as a few tears rolled down his face.

"Zao...?  What-"

"An attack."  Zao said, cutting you off.  "There was an assassin who came and shot you, hitting you in the throat, causing you to lose a lot of blood and putting you in a coma for a few weeks."  Zao lied.

"Oh dear... Zao... are you okay?"  You asked, still acting like the loving girlfriend you were.  Zao nodded as he tightened his hug.

"I am now kitten, now rest, you'll need it."  Zao said.  You gave a small nod as Zao gave you a small kiss on your forehead before running his fingers through your hair, whispering sweet nothings in his native tongue as you fell peacefully asleep.

Once he knew you were asleep, Zao stood up and tucked you in before going out of the room, seeking the doctors out.

"Will she ever regain those memories back?"  Zao asked them.  The doctors whispered to each other.

"Not likely due to blood loss, but if something similar happens, then it might trigger the memories again."  One doctor said.  Zao thought for a moment before turning to one of his men.

"I want to make sure that all personal who knew about what happened are dealt with and spread the lie I made around till it becomes the truth."  Zao ordered.  The man gulped and bowed before grabbing his gun and heading off.

"And you,"  Zao said, turning to anther man.  "I want you to make a special set of chambers prepared for my kitten to recover in where no one, and I mean no one, will be able to bother her."  Zao said.  The man nodded and went off.

'Kitten,'  Zao thought to himself as he went off to perform his duties.  'I refuse to lose you or see your smile vanish.'

--------- Time Skip ---------

It has been a week since you had been moved to a more secure set of rooms by Zao, and though you were still mostly bedridden, you could tell something was off with Zao.

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