Bronn X Reader

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The night was warm, a gentle breeze swept in from the sea, rustling your hair under your hood a little.

You stood upon the wall of the Red Keep, gazing out over Blackwater Bay, watching as the moonlight was reflected upon the rippling waves.

The Red Keep was not your home. You were not highborn, not a Lady, not wealthy... However, you were an incredibly skilled climber.

You were not supposed to be anywhere near the Red Keep, you weren't allowed, nobody was allowed; it was forbidden. Though, you loved to challenge yourself, scaling the walls without ladders or spikes, slipping past the guards in the night. It was your favourite thing.

What you were doing was punishable by death... Although, the view from upon the wall made it all worthwhile.

You had taken an evening stroll through the Red Keep once, the inside actually disappointed you... You were expecting Targeryan dragon skulls, beautiful tapestries and huge libraries, stuffed to the brim with knowledge... Instead, you found a castle... Nothing more. It was blandly decorated, not a huge library in sight and not a single dragon skull either.

You sighed in contentment as another gentle breeze swept in.

Your dress was gently blowing in the breeze.

It was a beautiful dress you'd made yourself. It was dark blue, reaching down to your mid-thighs at the front and your knees at the back. It had a slit up the back, from the knees to your upper thighs for ease of movement. Under it, you had a pair of grey trousers with your favourite thigh-high leather boots. On the collar of the dress was a large hood that covered your face.

You had designed it especially for climbing. For the free movement that you needed and the hood for stealth.

There was a rustle behind you. You spun around, drawing the skinny sword that you kept on your hip.

There, in front of you were the gardens, completely basked in the darkness at this hour. There was somebody in there, you knew it. You quickly slid your blade back into your belt and took off at a sprint.

You ran along to almost the end of the wall, you heard footsteps approaching from behind you.

Blackwater bay was beneath the wall, you had passed the beach now, and only the inky-black waters could be seen.

You leapt up onto the wall, sparing a glance behind you, where a very familiar-looking sellsword was jogging.

You smirked, before turning back around. You raised your arms to sit horizontally by your sides and pushed off the wall.

The sellsword stopped still for a moment, as if contemplating what had just happened. He too sprinted over to the wall, leaning over to see where you'd gone. All he could see where the white bubbles and ripples wher you'd entered the water.

He stood for one minute, two, three, five, maybe ten, he thought, to see if you'd emerge. But you never did.

Perhaps you'd drowned, or broken your neck hitting the water.

But then he realised that you'd probably jumped from there before, and definitely will again.

He shook his head as he strolled back to the Red Keep to where he was watching Tyrion before spotting you running across the walls. In the few minutes it had taken him to walk back to Tyrion's chambers, he had managed to formulate a plan.

"Bronn, you do realise that in those many minutes that you were gone, I could have been killed?" Tyrion looked up from over his wine.

The sellsword simply smiled, "well, its a good job you weren't, otherwise, Ser Bronn of Blackwater would be out of a job!" He laughed, pouring himself a cup of wine.

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