Arno Dorian x Templar!Reader(Part 1/2)

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(^Arno after finding out that you are a Templar)

Hi guys! So it's first one shot and i hope you will like this :D I'm sorry for any mistakes!

You are a Templar from choice. Your mother M/N was  a Templar, so are your father F/N. You were their first and last child, that's why they always were overprotective. You couldn't stand that. 

That was...1793? Yes. Your parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theroux never really liked Francois de la Serre as master of the Templar Order. They always say that he's very ineffective and he's idea about peace with those sons of a bitch, assassin's was ridiculous. You didn't know what actually think about this, but the problem solved itself - Francois de la Serre was murdered. Your parents,Sivert,Roille de Thunes,La Touche,Marie Levesque, Rouille was responsible. That's why you leave Paris for a while, because you never support that kind of action. You didn't back without a good reason - you find out that assassin's brotherhood of Paris killed most of them - including your parents. You decided to bury them in a common cemetery. That was that day - when you meet HIM. 

Cold day forced you to wear a grey, but warmed coat. You decided to put some roses on your parent's grave. They weren't common - they were black.  You paint them black by yourself. That was your favourite colour.

When you get in there, you were alone. Autumn wind doesn't disturbed you, you actually enjoyed. You put roses on the grave and start a quick and short pray for them. You never found out who killed your parents. But for you that actually changes nothing - even if something will change and you will have the information, some things would stay the same. M/N and F/N Theroux were dead and nothing would change it. So you decided to focus on your Templar business and just live your life.  

You felt someone's eyes on you. When you turned back, you saw a tall,handsome man with a scar on his cheek. You weren't know who is he, but that was a cemetery, maybe he visited family or something. You pretend that you didn't found out that he looks at you, and put your eye on a wall. 

-Black roses?

The voice of a man was deep. You looked at him and raise your eyebrows.

-Yeah. That was my parents favourite colour. Well, mine too. 

He looked at grave and some kind of a grimace come on his face. You didn't know why, but you decide not to ask.

-I actually met them a few months ago. And I didn't know they had a daughter - he looked curiously at you and approach a little. 

-Well, I wasn't at home that time. I came back because of their funreal and I decided today to stay in Paris. I have a business here and I need to take care of my parents home. 

He didn't smiled, in fact, he looks confused.

-Did I say something wrong,monsieur?-you asked, suprised by his strange behaviour. 

-No,no. Can you tell me your name, madame?

You didn't trust this man, that's for sure. But he already knew that you're Theroux, so lying him wouldn't be very smart.

-My name is Y / N Theroux. And what's your name, monsieur?

-I'm Arno Dorian, madame. My pleasure - he bowed and kiss your hand. 

-Pleasure is always mine, monsieur Dorian - you said, and something happened.

You saw the assassin's mark on his chest, and he saw your Templar crucifix on your neck for sure.

-Why the most prettiest girls always have to be a Templar? - he said very,very quiet and you didn't hear him clearly.



Well, I know it's quite shitty, but this is my first one shot here and I hope you will like this. You can write which assassin(or Templar)  one shot you want <3

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