Chapter Twelve - Part 1

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Chapter Twelve                            

by sloanranger

Part  1                       


She discussed it with Steve later that night in the kitchen. He stated flatly that she should mind her own business.

"Look, honey, if she wanted you to know she would have told you herself. She might have reasons to change her name. Maybe her mother didn't marry her father. So what. But it's a private matter and some people might not want you to know they had a nose job. Leave it alone, Elaine."

"She's my best friend, Steve." She took a couple of plates from the dish drainer to dry them for dinner.

"What - best friends don't have secrets from each other?" Steve said. "If you think Tom knows everything about me, you're nuts."

"It's different with women, Steve."

"I agree - women are different than men." He smiled. "But everyone's not the same, sweetheart. When Cassie wants you to know, she'll tell you."

He came up behind her at the sink and put his hands on her waist. Turning her around until they were facing each other, he began kissing the hollow of her neck and moving down.

"Mmmmm, don't," she said, tilting her head back. "We'll never get dinner fixed."

"I don't need dinner right now," he said, his mouth moving back up to the hollow of her throat and progressing to her face.

"Well, I do," she said,  "if you don't want me to end up looking like Paula."

"I don't want you to look like anyone but my wife," he said, taking her in his arms and seeking her mouth. He began pressing her down and backwards, onto the floor.

"Now?" she said flustered.

"Now," he said. They kissed again.

"Oh, well, hell," she said, throwing the dishtowel over a chair.

(To be continued).

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