Chapter 1

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Sha'Nique POV

*Beep Beep Beep*

I wake up hearing my alarm. Today is the first day of school. I do my hygiene & go to my closet to find a outfit for the first day (on the side). I decided to straighten my hair. I go downstairs to find something for breakfast

Mom & Dad: GoodMorning

Me: GoodMorning Y'all

My mom already had a plate for me at the table, waffles, bacon & eggs my favorite. My Phone vibrated indicated I have a text message... it was from Trey

MyTrey<3: I'll be there in 5 to get you Me: Alrighty, I'll be waiting (;

I finished eating & ran upstairs to get my MK bookbag. By time I got downstairs, he was here. I ran & gave my mom & dad a kiss

Mom&Dad: Have A Great Day Sweetie. Love You

Me: Thanks & Love You Too

When I got in the car, he pulled off. I noticed him starring at me. He was making me blush

Trey: I see you over there blushing

I swear that made me blush even more but I just ignored him & looked out the window.

Trey POV:

I just love how I can just make this girl blush, it may sound gay but Idgaf!! I love this girl with all my heart but I know she has been heartbroken in the past my these wack niqqas in the past. I don't want her to think that I will be like that. I really don't wanna go to school today, it's the same every year on the first day... lame af

Me: You wanna skip today & Go Get Breakfast or go to my house cause honestly I don't wanna go

Nique: I don't care

Me: well we will go to IHop then go to my house & chill

She nodded her head in agreement & I headed to IHop

When we got there, I opened her door for her cause my moma raised a gentlemen.

Waiter: How Many?

Me: 2

When we got to our table, we ordered our drinks & food. while we were waiting, I decided to ask her this question I've been wanting to ask her forever

Me: Can I ask you something

Nique: go ahead

Me: Do you wanna be my girl

She was blushing so hard, it was so cute

Nique: Yes, I would love to be your girl. but promise me something

Me: what is it

Nique: you won't be like those other guys I've dated in the past that cheat on me & leave me heartbroken Me: Bae, I promise I will never hurt you in any kind of way.


Sorry it took a while to update, my computer broke. I'll update later on tonight 



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