Logan imagine for @LousiaLoulo

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You had a beach date with your boyfriend Logan

He told you he has to go somewhere and that he would be right back but it took him almost an hour and you started to worry a lot. He never answered when you called. Then you started to look around. It was very dark so you couldn't see that much and first went back to the place you were and then you were about to call the police. But then Logan ran to you and said "Sorry it took me so long!". "Logan where were you? I was worried sick!" you almost yelled. "I can't tell you! Just come with me!" he said and grabbed your hand. You went to a little place where was a little stage. In front of the stage was a table and a chair. Logan told you to sit down there and then he went on stage. He started to sing a song. "Cause your heart calling, feels like Confetti Falling down, down, down" he finished the song and walked off stage. "Did you like it?" he asked you. "I loved it!" you said and kissed him. "Louisa, there's something else I want to ask..." he said. "Yeah Logan?" you asked. He kneeled down and took out a little box. "OMG!!!" you thought to yourself and he asked "Louisa, will you marry me?". You started to cry and finally said yes. He smiled widely and stood up. Then he slid the ring on your finger and leaned in.

Hope you like it! If not, tell me and I'll wrote another one!

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