"why did you post all that stuff?" I finally ask "people were going find out anyway" Faith shrugs "Yeah, I know but why last night of all nights?"

"Because we just did!" Michael snaps "we got married and we wanted to tell people about it ourselves and not have some asshole leak the story to the press like people always seem to do when it come to us. is that ok with you!?" he frowns getting aggitated and mother frowns at me, hinting for me to drop the conversation which I do.

Faith's POV

Everybody's been here for awhile now and every now and then they keep trying to bring up LaToya and about making arrangements for a funeral and it seems like no matter how many times we say we don't wanna talk about it or change the subject, it's like their not even listening and keep going back to it.

I excused myself from the living room and go to my room and sit on the edge I the bed trying to stop myself from crying again and remind myself that everything will be ok soon and I hear a light tap on the door. "Is it ok to come in?" Janet asks softly and I nod

"You don't have to do this You know?" She says softly sitting beside me on the bed and I look at her confused. "Act like everythig's ok. You and Michael are allowed to be upset. You don't have to put on an act for our benifit"

"We're not, we're fine really" I smile at her through pursed lips. "You sure about that?" She says softly and I nod "mhm.. we're upset she's not here right now obviously, but it's ok because she'll be back soon an all this will be over" I croak trying not to get upset. "Who? LaToya?" She frowns confused. "No! Why would we want her?" I frown at the thought of her near me. "Then who?"

"Are daughter. She gone now, but she'll be back soon and all this will be over and..."

"Faith, your baby died. You do know that right?" She says softly and I nod "I know, but Michael's going to give her back to me. It might not be today or tomorrow, but she will be back soon. We just need to keep trying and..."

"Michael told you that?" She looks at me confused "Faith, I understand your both hurting right now, but trying to get pregnant again won't bring your baby back" she says softly. "Of course it will" I frown and she sighs softly. "Sweetie, if you were to get pregnant again. It's not going to be the one you lost. It'll a completely different life and right now you need to be grieving for the child you've lost, not trying to replace her with..."

"We're not replacing anybody" I frown cutting her off. "But, that's all another baby will be" she says softly and pulls me in for a hug and I start crying not able to hold it together anymore.

Janet's POV

After speaking with Faith we go downstairs and Michael immediately notices Faith has been crying and goes over to her.

"What happened?" Mother asks when I go back to my seat. "She just got upset and needed someone to, that's all" I smile at her through pursed lips, not wanted to go into detail about what we talked about. "I wish there was something I could do. It breaks my heart seeing them like this" she croaks looking over at Michael and Faith who are by the stairs and Faith is crying into Michael's arms. I felt awful saying those things to Faith, but I couldn't sit there and let her think that her baby was coming back.

After Faith calms down they both come back into the living room and Faith sits beside Jackie and Michael looks over at me and I motion him to follow me.

We go into the garden and I close the door behind us so we can have some privacy. "Did you tell Faith your gonna give her the baby back?" I come straight out with it "yes" he nods. "Why would you do that!?"

"What was I supposed to do?" He croaks "She wants our daughter back and so do I and..."

"And you know you can't bring her back right?" I cut him off and he nods. "Then why would you promise Faith that you would? She genuinely believes that..."

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