O.Chapter 17

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Angie's .p.o.v.


I winced a little when he yelled.

" I-It's because a w-witch came a-and did a s-spell."

he sighed and put his head in his hands.

"we might not have another chance like we did" he said calmly

"Alex, you want Autumn,and I want Christian. I will get Christian"

" Did you give her the liquid?"

" Yes , I gave her the liquid... What was it anyway?" I asked.

" None of your concern, but let's just say it won't make Christian happy."

then Alex. did his little weirdo laugh

but... there was something more in his laugh

Christian .P.O.V.

Autumn has been asleep for 2 days, as I sit next to her on my bed I think of how I could have been there sooner. And her Aunt is no help at all. She is still trying to figure out what was on that cloth. So far no magic is working on it.

Libya cam through the door

" you need to drink.." she said while waving a blood bag.

" I can't..."

she sighed and sat in the chair next to me.

" Rose is doing the best she can... an I know Autumn s ok"

"I dont care it's my fault she's in this mess; it's my fault she's not responding to anything"

" she wouldn't want you not to let yourself die away because she's not awake, I and she can't even hear us she's in her own little world inside her head."

as soon as she said that Autumn began to stir in the bed like she wa going to wake up

"ROSIE" I yell

I could hear her run all the way up her. when she go in the door way she scooted our chairs back with her mind.she ran next to Autumn.

Rose gasped when Autumn opened her eyes. for the first time I couldn't see clearly, all I saw was Libya's blurry body fall.

then everything went black.

Rose .P.O.V.

I ran upstairs as fast as I could. when I got in the room I felt a dark energy on Autumn s bed. So I used my mind to pushed Christian and Libya's chairs back, an ran next to Autumn s bed.

when Autumn opened her eyes.

Christian and Libya yelled in pain then fell to the ground.

when I looked down her eyes were black, fully pure black.

now I knew what the liquid was.

I picked Autumn up bridal style ran down stair, and the outside in the back yard an set her on the ground.

she was in a daze like awake but still trapped in her own mind. Demons work. I put a shield around her so nobody could see through but magic folk, an nobody could get in except the creater of the shield.

I ran upstairs to help Christian and Libya.

when I got up there they were slowly coming to.

&__________((/:://$&&;&&&&)&/& ://://$ :-)$$##++__&&&&__&&:

* Avoid knife being thrown at me*

I know I have made a lot of changes to this chapter but I think this chapter is now perfection :)

Sorry it's short but in the next chapter you'll find out What happened to Autumn

I promise!!!

And I wan To ask y'all a question

What would you call what happened to Autumn?

please answer In comments

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