Tomoki X Reader ~ Video games. (Watamote)

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"And this is my room...heh," Tomoko said opening the door to her room. She was giving you a tour around her house because you decided to sleep over and have dinner.
Your eye spotted a doll and you ran over to it, picking it up.
"Where did you get this?" You asked.
"Oh I uh...won it in a claw Machine," she said awkwardly smiling. Your eyes lit up.
"Woah, those things are so hard to win!" You said staring at her with big eyes.
"Yea, I uh...guess they are," she said while blushing.
"SHUT UP TOMOKO!" Someone yelled from the room next door.
"NO!" She yelled back. You were very confused.
"Who was that?" You asked very confused.
"Oh it's my brother Tomoki," She said.
"Can I meet him?"
"Sure," she said leading you out the door and to the next room. She opened the door without even knocking. He was laying on the floor with an Xbox controller in his hand.
"DAMNIT TOMOKO I SAID-" He stopped his rant and looked at me. "Who is she?"
"My friend (Y/N), she's sleeping over tonight," Tomoko said proudly.
"Hi!" You added in, not wanting to look rude.
He blushed, "Hey,"
"So what games do you play?" You asked, nodding in the direction of his controller.
"I really like Assassins Creed, C.O.D, L.O.L, GTA and some other stuff,"
You guys were playing video games for a long time, until eventually you both got tired. (Tomoko left a longgggggg time ago to go get food and never came back).
"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," you said yawning.
"Y-yea" He said blushing.
"What's wrong?" You asked, hoping he didn't have a fever.
"Well I um-" he was cut off by himself, giving you a quick peck on the lips.
You smiled. "Awe thanks!" And gave him a hug.
"Bye Tomoki," you said standing up.
"Bye (Y/N)."
"Wanna play again sometime?" You quickly added.
"Hell yes!"

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