Boyfriend and girlfriend

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"What? What is it?!" I asked confused. Chandler just shook his head before awkwardly looking away.

"You went to school like that?" He looked at me when I approached him. I've had it with these guys.
"Yes! What's so bad about this shirt? It's one of my favourites!" I threw my hands in the air.

"Just- just cover yourself, damn it." He demanded and I shook my head. I had to cover myself for the whole day, I won't let him bully me in my own house.
"You don't like it, you leave." I crossed my arms over my chest and when he glanced at that, his eyes widened.

"No, Allie. I- It's not that I don't like it. I-" He glanced down again and gulped, before stepping closer.
"I'm afraid I like the benefits of it a little too much." He continued. What benefits?

"Benefits?" I ask with a lost look.
"Don't you have a mirror in here?" He asked, looking away and I roll my eyes at the topic change.
"Only in my bathroom, why?" I asked.

"Show me the bathroom." He demanded and I nodded, before walking over to the door that's attached to my room. We walked in and stood in front of the big mirror. Chandler was behind me, his hands tugged in his pockets.

"What are we doing in here?" I asked impatiently, locking gaze with him through the mirror.
"Look at yourself." He says and I roll my eyes. Does he think I don't know how I look like?
"I've seen myself in the morning, Chandler." I told him.

"What do you see?" He asked and I sighed, before letting my eyes run down my body, since I had a body length mirror.
"Me?" I ask, looking back at Chandler. I do admit, my chest may have improved over the last summer and I'm used to wearing loose shirts and sweatshirts.

"Your chest looks enormous." He blurted out and I blushed furiously, before angrily getting out of the bathroom. What is wrong with these boys? I can hear his footsteps behind me when I walk towards my closet. I cover myself with a sweatshirt, before turning around to give him a look.

He was about to say something but upon seeing my face, he closed his mouth again. I scoffed, before walking towards my desk, sitting down and pulling out my homework for today. Chandler and all those stupid boys, who ruined my shirt can go and-

"Allie." He sighed, sitting at the edge of my desk next to me.
"Don't talk. I've had it with all of you! It's a shirt! A simple shirt, Chandler!" I threw my hands in the air and he nodded.

"Maybe for girls, but for guys it's some sort of magic shirt." He shrugged and I glared at him.
"A magic shirt?" I asked in disbelieve and he nodded.
"Grow up, Chandler." I scoffed, looking back down at my homework.

I was about to get my pencil case out, before Chandler decided to grab my chin again. What is it with him and grabbing my chin? Can he not talk when I'm not directly starting into his eyes?! I glare at his small smirk, that only widens as soon as our eyes look.

"I think that's the problem, speedy. I'm too much of a man to not see your shirt as a simple shirt." He tilted his head and I frowned. Ugh! He was confusing me. I pushed his hands away from my chin and started doing my homework. Chandler sighed dramatically and walked away.

I don't know for how long we didn't speak, but I finished two assignments of my homework and went in for the third and last one today. I cooled down and looked back at Chandler, who I heard settled down in my bed.

When I looked over, I smiled. He was fast asleep and the fact that he wrapped himself into my purple blanket made me giggle. Only his head was sticking out and his mouth was set in a pout. He looked incredibly cute right now and I almost took a picture, but I knew he wouldn't appreciate that.

And I was scared he would wake up mid picture. I have bad experience in secretly taking pictures of someone, really. One time the flash was on and I ran away. I literally ran away from the guy. It's a classic, I know. But I also had the sound on one day and the worst thing was I was in class and it was reading time, so imagine my embarrassment.

So I only sighed after cringing at my memories and turned back around in order to finish my homework. Mom poked her head in and was about to announce dinner loudly, since I was already smelling it. But she saw Chandler sleeping and gestured for me to wake him up and come down after.

I nodded and watched her leave, before I stood up and approached my bed. I started shaking him and he stirred, before turning his head to the other side.
"Chandler, wake up." I say and his eyes fluttered open. When he looked at me, his face showed confusion.

"Come on, dinner is ready." I say and watch him nod. His hair was a little disheveled, but I'll make sure not to tell him. It was cute and he had no idea. He stood up and stretched, before following me downstairs. Mom was already standing there and Cyrus had his back to us.

"Hey, stinker." I ruffled his hair when I reached them in the dining room. Chandler chuckled lowly behind me and it did something to me. But I shook it off and sat down in front of my brother.

Chandler settled down next to me and mom placed some pasta on the middle of the table. I licked my lips, I love my mom's pasta. Cyrus was looking at Chandler in curiosity.
"Are you and my sister boyfriend and girlfriend?" I was choking on my spit and everybody's eyes snapped to me.

Chandler chuckled, before patting my back until it stopped. But I was still as red as a tomato and had to gulp half of my water down. No one was speaking and it seemed like they were all looking at me, expecting an answer.


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