Pregnant (Part 2)

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I pulled out the other one, because just like what you've said, it's somehow inappropriate. Nobody gets pregnant at day 1 and gets a baby at day 2. I'm so sorry.

And I also wanted to edit that part.

I love you guys. Thank you so much for the 2.5K reads.

So here we go.

Patrick's POV

I laid down in her room as her scent filled and reminded me of her. She also took every single thing in this room.

I guess she's not coming back anymore.

I pull the pillow she uses as I inhale her fruity scent. The scent I'll never get tired of smelling. Then, right at this point, I realized sonething.

You'll never know the worth of something until it's gone.

Then as if it was a freight train, memories started to walk in my mind.


There's Y/N in the dining room, preparing breakfast, her face lit up when she saw me. The scent of the pancakes filled my nostrils, as well as the scent of bacon and brewed coffee.

But then, I ignored her.

I immediately head to the door, thinking that I'll take my breakfast on Starbucks. And as I close the door, I saw her, looking at me.


Another time was, when Pete, Joe and Andy decided to crash in my place and bought pizza and salads. They've been calling Y/N several times and it seemed she's busy.

It was me who saw her first. And as she made her way on the last slice of pizza, I took the box and offered it to Pete.

"You want some more, Pete?" I asked. Then, I saw how my best friend looked at me. It's like I've made a noise in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

He took the box and placed the slice he hasn't eaten, then raced the stairs.

And after that, Joe and Andy shot me the same look.


"The world seemed to be mad at us." She said, rubbing her belly. "Your grandparents and you--Patrick." She added. "But Mommy will love you no matter what," she said and started to cry.

Right at that moment, I knew I was going to be someone she doesn't want me to.

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now