Chapter 16: His Butler, Confronting

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Still in the events that took place approximately 6 months prior to Peter and Shana's encounter with each other. . .

Peter had just found out that there is some sort of connection between Wilhelmina and Shana, the girl he was looking for. She got through Peter and she thought she got through Drac, but she instead got a hard punch in the back. She feel to her knees and coughed up what seemed like a cup of blood. Peter was still wrapped up in Wilhelmina's ribbons, but Drac ripped them off. “Are you okay your majesty?” Drac asked Peter. “I'm fine.” Peter replied, “Now, let's go after her.” “Yes your majesty.” Drac replied while bowing before him. Wilhelmina was towards the end of the hall when Drac appeared right before her. “You're indeed a fast one. I'll give you that.” She said to him, “However. . . ” She shot a ribbon at Drac and he broke it. She shot two ribbons at Drac and he broke them. Then she shot multiple ribbons at Drac and he broke all of them. Wilhelmina continued shooting ribbons at Drac, and Drac continued breaking the ribbons until Drac found and opening and flash stepped and kicked Wilhelmina on her left side, sending her flying down the hall. When she got up, She began to run again. Drac went after her. Don't kill her Drac! I want her alive!” Peter ordered Drac. Wilhelmina was rushing towards the front door of the estate when something hard hit her back. She stumbled onto the floor. “Where is the Flaming-Haired Blazing-Eyed hunter?” Asked a voice. Wilhelmina turned and saw that it was Wendy with some sort of gun. She also saw Frankie holding a guitar and Gerald looking all pumped up. “You ain't goin nowhere until you agree to take his majesty to that little Flame Haze of yours.” Frankie said to her. “Even if we have to break every bone in your body for you to do so.” Gerald said to her. “Yeah? If his majesty indeed wishes for me to bring him to the Flaming-Haired Blazing-Eyed Hunter, You will all indeed need to get through me first.” Wilhelmina told the servants. “Okay then,” Gerald said, “It may not seem like it, but I am pretty good a karate.” He then dashed towards her and attempted to uppercut her, but Wilhelmina dodged it. Frankie grined and then began to play his guitar. Gerald tried to uppercut her again, and did it sucessfully. Then Wendy shot her gun at Wilhelmina. It was actually a water gun, but the bullet sent Wilhelmina flying rather than making her trip. “This gun right here, may be just a water gun, but it can shoot water like metal bullets and they can pack just as much of a punch as metal bullets too.” Wendy explained, “Pretty cool, huh?” She smiled and winked. Wilhelmina got up and tried to shoot them with ribbons, but they missed and then Wendy began shooting again. Wilhelmina was actually able to dodge this time, and she managed to wrap up Wendy and Gerald. Then she wrapped up Frankie. After she defeated the servants, Wilhelmina went out the door. “After her now! She's getting away!” Peter ordered Drac. They both went outside where Wilhelmina was running towards the street. When she got to the street she jumped onto a moving truck to escape. “Quick! Get in car!” Elliot told Peter and Drac as he got in to his car. They jumped into the car. “Floor it now Elliot!” Peter told Elliot. They quickly off and before long, they were caught up with the truck that Wilhelmina jumped on. Drac leaped out of the car and onto the truck. “So then, will you tell us where the Flaming-Haired Blazing-Eyed hunter is now?” Drac asked. Wilhelmina turned to look at him. “You just don't know when to indeed give up, do you? Wilhelmina asked him furiously. “One does not simply give up so easily.” Drac replied, “You see, the orders that his majesty gives me are absolute. I will carry them out no matter what. As long as this contract between denizen and human is in place, I will serve his majesty until the day I consume his exsitence. Until then, I will do his bidding and bring the Flaming-Haired Blazing-Eyed hunter before him.” “Wait. . . are you. . . a denizen?” Wilhelmina asked Drac. “Yes, I am a denizen.” Drac replied. “Then howcome I wasn't able to sense you?! That is indeed impossible!” Wilhelmina exclaimed. Do you really want to know why? I will tell you.” Drac said, “An Enescu butler is a sneaky butler, an Enescu butler is a creepy butler, an Enescu butler is a silent butler, and an Enescu butler is. . . a violent butler.” He then flash stepped to Wilhelmina and bit her on the neck. She struggled to push him off. She wrapped him with ribbons, and then flung him off the truck and onto the windshield of Elliot's car, causing Elliot to skid off the road and crash into a tree. No one was injured bu,t the car was pretty wrecked. They took the car back to the estate where it would be fixed. Peter was angry. “DAMMIT!!!” Peter yelled while in his office banging on his desk, “I WAS SO CLOSE TO FINDING HER AT LAST!!!” “Please calm yourself, your majesty.” Drac told Peter. “But I was so close though! I was close to finally having my goal achieved!” Peter yelled. “Fear not your majesty, we will find her. Maybe not today, but probably soon.” Drac said. Peter took a deep breath. “Not today, but someday.” Peter said, “I will kill you. . . Flaming-Haired Blazing-Eyed hunter!”

*Goes back to the events where Peter and Drac are in 19th cenutry England*

“Hey, Drac.” Peter said to Drac. “Yes, your majesty?” Drac askes him. “I have an idea. “Let's bring Wilhelmina and that mystes boy that the Flaming-Haired Blazing-Eyed hunter's got a thing for. Okay” Peter told Drac. “Why is that?” Drac asked Peter. “Because, I figured we might need to draw her attenion. So I thought some flame hazes could do the trick.” Peter replied. “You are right about that one.” Drac said, “We shall go back to the present and bring Wilhelmina and the Mystes here.” Drac drew a round shape to send them back to the present and they hopped in it and when back to the present.

Meanwhile, back in present day Misaki City, Yuji was continuing his training with Wilhelmina. Wilhelmina shot ribbons at Yuji and he tried to dodge them, but the ribbons trapped him and he tripped on one. “Can't you give me a break?” Yuji complained. “You'd be a better fighter if you dodge attacks before opening your mouth.” Alastor said, “You need to feel the power of existence flowing.” “That's easy for you to say.” Yuji moaned. He looked up and saw Wilhelmina walking towards him, looking like she was about to mug him. She shot more ribbons at Yuji and he tried dodging them. He almost suceeded, but the ribbons caught him and wrapped him up. She released the ribbons and Yuji landed on the floor. “Are you all right, Yuji” Alastor asked. “I'm fine.” Yuji replied. “We shall indeed call it a day.” Wilhelmina advised. “Time for you to go to school.” Tiamat added. While Yuji was on his way to school, he was thinking about the Misago Festival. That's when one of his classmates Kazumi Yoshida found out that Yuji was a torch. And after Yuji explained it to her, telling her that he isn't even human, Yoshida told him that he is human and still even went out of her way to confess her feelings for him. It made Yuji cry. When Yuji arrived at school, he saw Kazumi and greeted her. “Hey Yoshida.” he said to her. “Oh, good morning Sakai.” Kazumi replied. “Hey, do you have a minute? I'd like to talk to you.” Yuji asked her. “Sure. What's up?” Kazumi asked. Yuji took a deep breath. “Yoshida, I love you.” Those words shocked Yoshida. She didn't know how to react to that. All she knew was that she loved Yuji, and now Yuji apparently loves her. Without a word, Kazumi closed her eyes and was about to kiss Yuji, and Yuji closed his eyes and he was about to kiss her. . .

Crimson Butler: Shakugan No Shana/Kuroshitsuji Fanfic (Vol. 3)Where stories live. Discover now