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Nickson and I didn't say anything for a while. We just stayed there, staring into the darkness. Every few seconds or so we'd hear an occassional shout in the distance, but not followed by a gunshot or anything. But now we were used to those sounds.

After a moment Nickson started some small talk. He talked about some soccer games and I talked about what a nerd he was and he talked about the summer and how much fun we'd had, goofing around and prank calling and just having a good time.

Never, did our conversation drift to our future. Do you think we'll get out alive? Will we be able to see our parents again? So is our essay in English due tomorrow then? Nor did we talk about what was happening. I saw Mallory Clinton's body close to yours. Consider that a blessing that your love was buried so close to you.

It was hard, though. I felt like crying when I thought of my family. I felt like crying when I thought of getting killed. I wouldn't die. I couldn't die - not after I'd been this far into what was happening.

I could tell Nickson thought that too, he just wasn't saying anything.

Our conversation drifted to our favorites. Favorite colors, favorite foods, favorite animals, stuff like that. We didn't talk about specific people or specific dates, not even holidays or birthdays. We talked about books and movies and sports (obviously soccer) and Hollywood and music and about anything we could think of.

Finally, Nickson said, "I'm glad you're my friend, Robin."

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm glad you're my friend too, Nickson." I leaned over and gently shoved him playfully. "You're not so bad at saving damsels in distress yourself."

He laughed a little but he didn't sound too interested in talking about that. After an awkward silence, he said, "Robin, will you be okay?"

"What do you mean?"

He didn't say anything for a moment. Finally, he said quickly, "Well, without your glasses and your cane. Will you be able to see?"

"Sure," I replied. "I've made it this far."


I started to feel very sleepy then. I told Nickson I'd go take a nap or something for a while. I told him he should wake me up whenever he needed to. I went over to the corner behind the TV and cabinet where I previously was laying down.

Just as I closed my eyes, Nickson said, "See you soon."

I was too tired to say anything.

But I should have. I really should have.

That was the last time I ever heard from him.

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