Chapter 26

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Pov: Inuyasha

Settling into a stance I liked, I cracked my knuckles, practically taunting Hobo to come closer so I can destroy him. Apparently, he's been a demon for a while because he merely snorted and stayed where he was.

"Hey, Hobo, why do you even want Kagome? You're not worthy of her. You are too afraid to face me, is that why you won't attack?" I taunted, hoping he'd attack me, but he merely snarled, turning purple in rage. Hoping to hurt him with different comments, I got into my ready position, my hands ready for the heart, and fangs ready for the neck. "Hobo what did you have for dinner? Roast duck? And then I guessing you glued the wings to your back because they aren't even fit for Kagome to think about. I don't believe how or why Kagome put up with you." I teased.
"Oh, really, how she put up with me? How did she put up with you? You constantly left her for Kikyo you jerk. You have no room to talk." Hobo said craftily. If he was affected by my taunts, he didn't show it at all.

Shrugging, I went ahead and charged hobo with all my strength.
Apparently, he was expecting this. Using his wings, hobo launched himself into the air, spiraling down on me in a flurry of black feathers. His face was that of an angry person, and in his rage, he was practically blind.

"Hobo, you don't have to do this. You don't have to be evil." I tried to talk with him, knowing Kagome would want me to, but Hobo laughed, swooping down, with words in his hands.

"Oh, and you're one to talk. Again, Inuyasha. Honestly, I know for a fact anybody would be better with Kagome than you. A dung beetle has more rank and power than you. You know I pity you, Inuyasha. Reduced to trying and talking through this, like you're some kind of pet and Kagome's holding onto your leash. Inuyasha, what would your father say?" Hobo laughed, doubling over as he paused in mid-air.

"My father would be proud that I love a human. He loved a human once, too, because I'm standing in front of you telling you that I love Kagome, and nothing's going to change that." I said, standing tall with my hands at my sides, all of my anger draining our of me as I thought about Kagome and how worried I was for her.

"Awww, the little puppy's in love with someone way out of his league. She doesn't deserve you; she's going to be mine, whether she likes it or not. Of course," he added with a sly wink, "she's going to like me. I'm Hobo- I MEAN HOJO." He corrected quickly, and my anger surfaced again.

"She won't be with you. Not if I can help it." I yowled, ignoring my instincts and throwing myself at Hobo. 

"You're getting old, you pesky pup." Hobo snarled, dodging my blow easily. Cracking my knuckles, I pulled out the Tessaiga (<--- spelling), holding it out in front of my like I've done a billion times throughout my life.

"I may be old, but my love for Kagome isn't! I'd do anything for her!" I yowled, feeling strange as I bounded towards Hobo again. "Wind Scar!!!!" I shrieked, plunging the Tessaiga down to the ground and hoping he would be hit.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a flicker of movement in the shadows, and as I turned to look, Hobo pounced, swooping down from the air he was in and grabbing my neck, pinning me to the wall in the air by my neck. As I gasped and choked for air, Hobo grinned wickedly.

"So would I- even if I have to kill you for it." He said, when an arrow flew through the air, burying itself into his shoulder. From where I was being choked, I could see the spiritual power, and I immediately knew it was Kagome.

"Kagome, how dare you to turn on your new husband to be like this! All for this mangy pup who can't do anything right?" He gasped dramatically and released my neck, where I dropped down to the ground below.

"Owww....." I groaned, rubbing my head and struggling to sit up.

"Inuyasha!" (I just realized how much Kagome says his name throughout the series.... it's somewhat fun to say but not as fun as she's making it...) Kagome shrieked, dropping her bow and rushing towards me.

"D-don't...c....come.......he'll....k....ill.....y.......y..ou....." I managed to whisper, massaging my throat as I tried to breathe, my vision threatening to go fuzzy.

"I don't care Inuyasha if you die what happens to me? I can't live in a world where you die and leave me behind! I can't and I won't!" She sobbed, burying her face in my cloak.

I rolled my eyes sadly, shooting her a grin to show I didn't really mean it.

"Oh, how touching. But Kagome, you're going with me to a far away place where you can never be seen by another living being except me ever again!!! MWAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Hobo laughed evilly, reaching down and grabbing Kagome's wrist, dragging her up to the top of the building that I never realized we were in somehow. (Doesn't Hobo sound like Mother Gothel from Tangled in that one sentence??????) 

"No, Hobo, let me go!!!" Kagome screamed, struggling as I tried to get up and protect the woman I loved.

"Yeah, Hobo, let her go!" I shouted weakly, and they both paused in their fighting to shoot me a look that said; Seriously. That's all you have???????? before continuing their struggle. Kagome raked her claws down Hobo's arm, but then, I felt a strange tingle.

I looked at Kagome and knew she had felt it too, but what was the big deal about a stupid feeling-

And then it hit me. Kagome had realized what it was a millisecond before me as she gasped, her claws retracting into her fingers to make human nails, her ears pulled into her scalp, every inch of the demon inside of her disappearing as the moon slowly disappeared. I was transforming too, and we didn't need our mind connection to know we were in serious trouble. Hobo laughed maniacally, his eyes turning a dark and dangerous shade of red and he pulled Kagome up from the ground and into his arms in the sky.

"Now, Kagome, you may kiss the groom." He chuckled, raising his lips toward Kagomes. She fought, but eventually, she gave up, one hand creeping around the back of his neck. I closed my eyes to hide the horrifying image that was about to happen when Hobo screamed. It wasn't a scream of delight, it was an awful, painful scream that brought bumps onto my skin.

I opened my eyes to see a spiritual arrow falling from Kagome's open hand and the hole that had pierced Hobo's heart. They began to fall, and I could only watch helplessly as the love of my life fell to her doom.

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